Roman Geography
Roman Legends
Roman Legends 2
Roman Republic
Conquest of Italy

Which mountain range forms a ridge down the middle of Italy, dividing the country from west to east? 

A) Alps
B) Pyrenees
C) Apennine Mountains
D) Carpathian Mountains

Answer: C) Apennine Mountains


Which qualities were emphasized by the story of Horatius at the bridge as essential for Romans? 

A) Wealth, power, and fame
B) Courage, duty, and determination
C) Intelligence, wisdom, and strategy
D) Loyalty, honor, and piety

Answer: B) Courage, duty, and determination


Who found and cared for Romulus and Remus after they were abandoned? 

A) A she-bear
B) A she-wolf
C) A priestess
D) A fisherman

Answer: B) A she-wolf


Where was the homeland of the Etruscan civilization located?

A) Northern Italy

B) Southern Italy

C) Central Italy, in the area now known as Tuscany

D) Eastern coast of present-day Turkey

Answer: C) Central Italy, in the area now known as Tuscany


What was the primary responsibility of the praetor in ancient Rome? 

A) Overseeing financial matters
B) Managing foreign affairs
C) In charge of civil law and could lead armies
D) Supervising public entertainment

Answer: C) In charge of civil law and could lead armies


Which of the following groups did Rome engage in almost continuous warfare with for 100 years until 338 BCE? 

A) Greek communities
B) Etruscan states
C) Latin communities on the plain of Latium
D) Hill peoples from central Italy

Answer: C) Latin communities on the plain of Latium


Which of the following plains is located where Rome was situated? 

A) Po River Valley
B) Plain of Latium
C) Campania
D) Plain of Sicily

Answer: B) Plain of Latium


Who was Aeneas, according to Roman legend?

A) A Roman senator
B) A Greek philosopher
C) The son of the goddess Venus and a Trojan hero
D) A Roman emperor

Answer: C) The son of the goddess Venus and a Trojan hero


What significant event occurred when Romulus and Remus grew up and learned about their origins?

A) They became the rulers of a neighboring kingdom
B) They avenged their mother and founded the city of Rome
C) They returned to Troy to reclaim their heritage
D) They became priests in the temple of Mars

Answer: B) They avenged their mother and founded the city of Rome


What did modern historians and DNA studies reveal about the origins of the Etruscan people?

A) They originated from Lydia in present-day Turkey

B) They were an Indigenous population of Italy

C) They migrated from Greece

D) They were descendants of Egyptian settlers

Answer: B) They were an indigenous population of Italy


Which of the following assemblies in ancient Rome was organized by classes based on wealth? 

A) Council of the Plebs
B) Centuriate Assembly
C) Senate
D) Tribal Assembly

Answer: B) Centuriate Assembly


What was a significant cultural influence that Greek colonies had on Italy? 

A) Introduction of advanced military strategies
B) Cultivation of olives and grapes
C) Development of new legal systems
D) Establishment of a unified government

Answer: B) Cultivation of olives and grape


Which sea lies to the east of Italy? 

A) Tyrrhenian Sea
B) Adriatic Sea
C) Ionian Sea
D) Mediterranean Sea

Answer: B) Adriatic Sea


Which city did Aeneas eventually settle in after escaping from the sacking of Troy, according to legend? 

A) Athens
B) Carthage
C) Rome
D) Sparta

Answer: C) Rome


How did Romulus become the first king of Rome? 

A) He was elected by the people
B) He inherited the throne from his father
C) He killed his brother Remus in an argument
D) He was appointed by the gods

Answer: C) He killed his brother Remus in an argument


Which of the following did the Etruscans pass on to the Romans?

A) Their monarchy system

B) The Greek alphabet

C) Gladiatorial games

D) The Latin language

Answer: C) Gladiatorial games


The Council of the Plebs was created as a result of conflicts between which two groups? 

A) Soldiers and citizens
B) Merchants and artisans
C) Patricians and Plebeians
D) Senators and governors

Answer: C) Patricians and Plebeians


By 267 BCE, Rome had completed the conquest of southern Italy by defeating which group? 

A) Etruscan states
B) Greek cities
C) Latin communities
D) Hill peoples from central Italy

Answer: B) Greek cities


Which large island lies just west of the "toe" of the boot-shaped Italian peninsula? 

A) Corsica
B) Sardinia
C) Sicily
D) Malta

Answer: C) Sicily


Who were the parents of Romulus and Remus? 

A) Jupiter and Juno
B) Mars and Rhea Silvia
C) Saturn and Ops
D) Neptune and Minerva

Answer: B) Mars and Rhea Silvia


What is the traditional date for the founding of Rome by Romulus? 

A) 1000 BCE
B) 509 BCE
C) 753 BCE
D) 500 BCE

Answer: C) 753 BCE


What caused the decline of Etruscan power between the late 6th and early 4th centuries BCE?

A) Natural disasters and plagues

B) Invasion by the Egyptians

C) The rise of Greek city-states in Sicily and southern Italy, and Gallic invasions in the north

D) Economic collapse due to loss of trade

Answer: C) The rise of Greek city-states in Sicily and southern Italy, and Gallic invasions in the north


By 287 BCE, all Roman citizens were: 

A) Required to join the military
B) Equal under the law and could strive for political office
C) Exempt from paying taxes
D) Only able to vote in local elections

Answer: B) Equal under the law and could strive for political office


What was the purpose of the Roman Confederation established in 338 BCE? 

A) To divide Italy into independent regions
B) To allow some conquered peoples to gain Roman citizenship
C) To unify Greek and Roman military forces
D) To abolish the power of the Senate

Answer: B) To allow some conquered peoples to gain Roman citizenship


Which two large islands are located west of Italy? 

A) Sicily and Malta
B) Corsica and Sardinia
C) Cyprus and Crete
D) Balearic Islands

Answer: B) Corsica and Sardinia


What happened to Romulus and Remus after they were born? 

A) They were raised in a royal palace
B) They were set adrift on the Tiber River in a reed basket
C) They were sent to live with a Greek philosopher
D) They were immediately crowned as kings of Rome

Answer: B) They were set adrift on the Tiber River in a reed basket


According to legend, how many kings ruled Rome between 753 BCE and 509 BCE? 

A) Five
B) Seven
C) Ten
D) Twelve

Answer: B) Seven


How did the Etruscans influence early Roman architecture?

A) They introduced Egyptian pyramid designs

B) They provided the early Romans with urban infrastructure, including walls, forums, and drainage systems

C) They taught the Romans how to build wooden houses

D) They introduced Gothic architecture

Answer: B) They provided the early Romans with urban infrastructure, including walls, forums, and drainage systems


Which of the following statements is true about the Roman Senate during the Republic? 

A) It was open to all Roman citizens
B) It came to hold an especially important position in the republic
C) It only dealt with military matters
D) It was entirely composed of plebeians

Answer: B) It came to hold an especially important position in the republic


Under the Roman Confederation, what was required of most of the allied communities?

A) They had to adopt Roman religion
B) They had to provide soldiers for Rome
C) They had to pay a heavy tribute
D) They had to relocate to Rome

Answer: B) They had to provide soldiers for Rome