What does OWL stand for?
And They Say Overwatch League
Name three Overwatch League Teams?
And They Say...
How much does Rocket League cost in the EPIC store?
And They Say Free
If you get banned by Valve can that ban every get overturned?
And They Say No
What game, released in 2020, was tipped to become the next big eSport?
And They Say Valorant
How many teams play in OWL?
Which eSports franchise has won the most money overall?
And They Say Team Liquid
In 2020 how much revenue was (roughly) created from eSports?
A: $250 million
B: $500 million
C: $750 million
D: $1 billion
And They Say D
What gaming community was recently deconstructed due to countless sexual abuse and assault allegations from fans, players, and casters?
And They Say Super Smash Bros
How old was Kyle Giersdorf when he won $3 million by winning a Fortnite Tournament?
And They Say 16
Which of the following characters is not a flex support: Zen, Ana, Moira, Lucio?
And They Say Lucio
Which eSports org has the most profitable Rocket League franchise of all time?
And They Say NRG eSports
In 2020 which esport had the largest winnings pool in cash overall throughout the year?
And They Say CSGO
What game developer offers no support, and in many cases hindered, their games from developing into eSports?
And They Say Nintendo
Ranked by BestColleges.com, which University has the best Varsity eSports program in the nation?
And They Say Miami University OH
Which Team Won the Inaugural Season 2018 Overwatch Championship?
And They Say London Spitfire
This eSports organization was recently sold for $100 million, what is its name?
And They Say Optic Gaming
What game had the largest single event eSport prize pool ever?
And They Say Fortnite
Which prominent eSport has been plagued with cheating/hacking in multiple professional events over the past 5 years?
And They Say CSGO
What console was the first eSport Championship played on in a LAN tournament?
And They Say Atari
By total prize pool where does Overwatch rank in the top Esports (a number between 1-10)?
And They Say 7th
Which eSports franchise is the origin, and namesake, of the infamous saying "C9?"
And They Say Cloud 9
Denmark is home to the highest paid eSport player for the past 2 years named John "N0tail" Sundstein, how much did he earn in 2019/2020 season of Dota 2?
And They Say $6.9 million
Which eSport Org recently got sued by former player, Tfue, for not being paid and preventing sponsorship deals?
And They Say FaZe Clan
How many people viewed the 2020 League of Legends Worlds in 2020?
And They Say 3.8 million