Grey favorite sport
What is golf?
Kobe favorite sport
what is Basketball?
Mom's favorite sport
What is football?
Dad's favorite sport
what is football?
Reese's favorite sport
What is ballet?
Grey's dream job
what is PGA/Lawer?
Kobe's dream job
what is NBA & MLB?
Mom's dream job
what is neighborhood designer
Dad's dream job
what is a ODDAS maker?
Reese's dream job
what is world traveling?
Grey favorite restaurant
what is Asuka?
Kobe's favorite restaurant
what is T-op?
Mom's favorite restaurant
what is Altrudas?
Dad's favorite food
what is steak nachos?
Reese's favorites restaurant
what is J Alexzeders?
Grey's favorite artist
what is Rod Wave?
Kobe's favorite type of music
Mom's favorite artist
who is Morgan Wallen?
Dad's favorite artist
who is Morgan Wallen?
Reese's favorite type of music
what is pop, and sad songs?
Grey's favorite thing
What is sunsets?
Kobe's favorite thing
what is Fortnite?
Mom's favorite thing
what is going to Ut games?
Dad's favorite thing
what is watching UT players run the the T?
Reese's favorite thing
What is dancing with the music super loud that you feel the music?