General Hospital Safety
Emergency Response
Contagious Diseases

This is what OSHA stands for

What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration?


This is the first person you should call in the event of a true emergency at the hospital

What is 911?


This is where all chemicals or potentially hazardous liquids should be stored

What is below eye level?


This is what PPE stands for

What is personal protective equipment?


This is a type of disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans

What is a zoonotic disease?


This is where food can be consumed in the hospital

What is the break room downstairs, or phone room upstairs. What is NOT any clinical areas of the hospital such as treatment or pharmacy. 


This is the location of the panic button in the hospital

What is underneath the front desk?


These contain detailed information on a drug's physical and chemical properties, emergency and first aid response, health hazards, and precautions/control measures for safe handling

What are safety data sheets?


This is who should be sent home with a sharps container

What is anyone sent home with any type of sharps (needles/injectables)?


This is where any animal with a potentially communicable disease should be kept while in the hospital

What is isolation?


This is an instance in which it is okay to give your phone number to a client, or contact them outside of work (excluding family or prior friends/contacts)

What is never?


Fires under this size can be managed with a fire extinguisher

What is a small waste basket?


These substances require a secondary label to be placed on a container

What is ANY substance put in a secondary container?


A sharps container should never be more full then this before it is sealed and disposed of

What is 3/4 full?


This is the appropriate contact time listed for daily use/cleaning with Rescue disinfectant

What is 5 minutes?


In the instance that a client becomes injured while on the premises, this is what we can offer them in the way of help

What is only the most basic of first aid, and to call an ambulance?


In the event of a fire, this should be shut off, and this is where it is located

What is oxygen, and is located on the left wall leading into lab?


These are the two locations in which the hospital's spill kits are found

What is under the sink in lab, and in central supply?


This is the appropriate PPE when taking an x-ray

What is thyroid shield, lead gown, lead gloves, and dosimetry badge?


This is the mandatory quarantine period for any dog/cat that bites a human, regardless of their rabies vaccination status

What is 10 days?


These are the steps to take if you get injured while working (in a non-emergent scenario) (4 steps)

What is: 

1. Fill out an OSHA 300 form (if unable to, then have a witness complete)

2. Notify practice manager

3. Seek medical care 

4. Divert any bills to practice manager


This is the number of fire extinguishers and their locations in the hospital

What is 4 fire extinguishers- one by isolation, one by cat ward/freezer, one in vestibule, and one downstairs near stairs?


This is the method in which controlled dangerous substances are disposed of

What is reverse distribution?


This is the term used to describe the process of restricting the area of interest of an x-ray beam to minimize scatter

What is collimation?


This is the approximate number of confirmed rabies cases in the United States reported to the CDC in 2020 (this number includes both domestic and wild animals that were tested and confirmed positive)

What is 5,000?