What is proposal?
People say you only get one true love in your life. Andrea is fortunate enough to have two. The name of Andrea's other one true love in life (other than Michael).
Who is Nala?
They were a couple possibly more iconic than any other Hollywood romance since 1961. The famous plastic world couple.
Who are Barbie and Ken?
What is the most popular month for weddings?
What is June.
Andrea loves this movie so much that she named her dog after the lead female character.
What is The Lion King.
All of Andrea's family and friends knew this one thing for sure. So everyone and their mom would buy her toys, stuffed animals and memorabilia of this animal.
What is a giraffe.
This couple is famous for the 'immaculate conception'.
Who are Joseph and Mary?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! This is a video bonus question that will be played momentarily. Please hang tight! Actually...take one sloooooow looooong sip of your drink to make the time go by faster! ;p
C-153 people
This movie is the highest-grossing basketball movie of all time.
The main actor, Michael Jordan, admitted he's not a very good actor but would like to get better.
What is Space Jam.
Approximately 3.1 million _______ occur annually. Not to be a debby downer but out of these, the average number of fatalities is around 55 which is less than 1% that take place. What is this activity that Andrea and her dad love to do from time to time?
What is skydiving.
The show's gimmick, besides being a rare prime-time cartoon, was that this famous family had everyday modern situations set in prehistoric times. There was no electricity, no internal-combustion engines and no shoes. Name the famous parents of this cartoon.
Who are Fred and Wilma Flintstone?
Andrea is receiving wedding invitations back from guests saying if they are coming or politely declining to attend her wedding. All of these invitations had RSVP written on them. What does RSVP stand for?
What is Repondez si'l vous plait
Getting married is a huge commitment! Everyone knows that one of the keys to a happy marriage is communication and being honest with one another. Basically, Love Is An Open Door!
What is Frozen
Many girls have interesting first jobs when they immerse themselves into the working world. Name the first job she ever had.
What is volleyball coach at camps.
Long before they were married—this vain, not-so-bright TV couple starred on That ‘70s Show.
Who are Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis?
What is the reason every girl wants to buy a WHITE dress? What does a WHITE dress symbolize?
What is purity.
When Andrea and Michael move into their new home together this song might be playing in their heads..."When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call?"
What is Ghostbusters.
What is Andrea's dream vacation?
What is Africa/Safri-Giraffe Hotel?
This couple got married twice this year, with the first wedding in a New York courthouse in September 2018. The second one came a year later at a completely elaborate venue in South Carolina.
Who are Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin.
Everyone at the wedding will be saying this after they leave the reception...I've Had The Time of My Life!
What is Dirty Dancing.