The Waxhaws region on the border of North and South Carolina.
Where was Andrew Jackson born?
War of 1812
What was the first war Andrew Jackson served as a major general in?
March 4, 1829
When was Andrew Jackson inaugurated?
July 10, 1832
When did Andrew Jackson oppose the Second Bank of the U.S.?
Where did Andrew Jackson's parents immigrate from?
What year did Andrew Jackson earn admission to the North Carolina bar?
The Battle of New Orleans
Which battle made Andrew Jackson famous?
Indian Removal Act
What act did Congress pass in 1830?
November 1, 1832
When did Andrew Jackson win reelection?
Charles Dickinson
Who was the man that Andrew Jackson killed in a duel in 1806?
In what state did Andrew Jackson start working as a prosecuting attorney?
What year did Andrew Jackson order an invasion of Florida?
May 27, 1830
When did Andrew Jackson veto the Maysville Road Bill?
What was the decree that South Carolina adopted in 1832?
Richard Lawrence
Who was the man that attempted to assassinate Andrew Jackson?
Rachel Robards
Who was the daughter of a local colonel that Andrew Jackson married?
John Quincy Adams
Who was the Secretary of State that defended Andrew Jackson's actions of invading Florida?
When did the French government agree to a treaty settling spoliation claims by the United States?
December 10, 1832
When did Jackson issue the Nullification Proclamation?
13 Years Old
How old was Jackson when we was captured and imprisoned by the British in 1781?
One Year
How long was Jackson in the U.S. Senate before resigning in 1798?
Jackson, Adams, and William H. Crawford
Who were the three leading candidates of the presidential election in 1824?
Trail of Tears
What is the trail called where Cherokee and Creek were forcibly removed from the Southeast, resulting in about one-fourth of the Native Americans dying?
When did Congress pass the Force Bill?
Theodore and Lyncoya
Who were the two Native American boys that Jackson adopted?