Andrew Jackson is best know for his
quick temper.
The person that won the election of 1824?
John Quincy Adams
The act passed by Congress to remove the Native Americans from their land is called
Indian Removal Act
Jackson defeated
John Quincy Adams
Jackson disliked the National Bank because he believed
it had too much power and its policies favored the wealthy
Andrew Jackson was one of the founders of this political party
Democratic Party
The election of 1824 was decided by the:
House of Representatives
Name the 5 civilized tribes
Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, Seminole
Jackson was the first ____________________ to be president
"common man"
Jackson defeats the National Bank by
by a veto of the bank charter
What was Jackson's nickname?
Old Hickory
The four candidates running for president in 1824- John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford and:
Henry Clay
Which nation decided to challenge the Indian Removal Act in court?
The high tariffs angered Southerners because it
increased taxes on imported goods and would hurt their cotton sales
Who was the president of the National Bank?
Nicholas Biddle
Andrew Jackson became a hero after this battle in the War of 1812
New Orleans
Nobody won the majority of the Electoral Votes but Jackson won the
Popular Vote
The Indian Removal Act, moved Native Americans to
Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska
Jackson response to the Supreme Court decision of the Cherokee Nation removal
“they made the decision….. Now let them enforce it!
Jackson's __________________ issued too much money
"pet banks"
Jackson died from?
lead poisoning from two bullets lodged in his body
Why did Andrew Jackson call the 1824 election a "corrupt bargain"?
Clay moved his support to Adams and in return Clay becomes Secretary of State.
The journey west for Native Americans was called
Trail of Tears
Jackson started replacing government officials with his own supporters. This is known as
The "Spoils System"
The increase in the money supply makes the dollar worth less which creates?