Andrew played a lot of DND with his 2 best friends what are their names?
Jack and Gill
What USD club was Andrew President?
Sociology Club
Where did Andrew work in Vermillion? There are 3 Answers any will do!
Subway, Wellness Center, USD Recycling
What concert is Andrew going to in March?
The Taxpayers
Andrew does a lot of art! This man taught him ceramics and inspired him to get better every day! Who is he?
His Uncle Mike Hill
Where did Andrew and his friends host DND?
Riley Robinson's Basement
What did Andrew Major in?
Sociology and Psychology
Who were Andrew's Favorite coworkers at Subway? (2 people)
Sadie and Keaton
Andrew has gone to a lot of concerts. What is the main genre of these bands?
What is Andrew's favorite Vermillion Bar?
Carey's Bar
What position did Andrew hold in FBLA?
In what club did Andrew introduce his friends to Magic the Gathering?
Games Club
Who is Andrew's least favorite coworker?
Andrew was given a lot of CDs. Which family member gave him those CDs?
His Dad
Andrew was the best man to this childhood friend. What is his name?
Riley Robinson
What is the only sport Andrew participated in school? Hint: He did it in 2nd grade
Andrew held this position in Sculpt Cult. What was it?
How many jobs has Andrew had? 1-15
What was the karaoke song Andrew sang at Shelsy's Halloween Party?
King for a Day
What is Andrew's favorite movie?
Andrew would bring and finish a gallon of ___ at school. What was this bevarage?
Andrew won the Stillwell Art Competition in his senior year, spring semester. What is the name of his piece?
Beast of Burden
What is the name of the company where Andrew works?
Harvard Integrations
How many records does Andrew have? 0-50, 51-100, 101-150, 151-200, 201-250, 251-300.
Growing up, Andrew was only allowed to eat this breakfast item on Saturday. What was it?