Which country created facism
What is Andrew's most favorite gun?
M1 Garand
What was the first scar I had on my body?
Chest Scar (open heart surgery)
Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
What is my favorite color?
Who was the president for most of WW2
What gun is nicknamed the "Chicago Typewriter"?
The Tommy Gun (M1928)
How many times have I made out with girls? (humans only)
Who said "we will land a man on the moon in this decade?"
Name the 4 Communist countries that still exist
China, North Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam
What was the forrest the Battle of the Bulge happened in
The Ardennes Forrest
What is the Colt 1911 chambered in?
.45 ACP (the lord's caliber, muh stopping power, my 2 world wars)
What was my first "dream job"
Shark Biologist
Abe Lincoln and JFK
What is Mandalorian steel called?
What were the primary elements used in the atomic bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagisaki?
Uranium and Plutonium
What is the most common gun used in the United States?
How old was I when I first shot a gun for the first time?
12 years old
Which president created the United States Navy?
Why were the Boy Scouts of America created?
What were the 5 code names for the beaches on D-Day?
Gold, Sword, Juno, Utah, Omaha
What does AK-47 mean?
Automatic Kalashnikov of 1947
What is my guiltiest pleasure?
Sitting in hot cars that have been in the sun for far too long
Which President was almost eaten by cannibals?
George H.W Bush
What was America's plan with the moon if the Russians made it there first?
Nuke it (Project A11A)