What is corn.
People who are involved in starting and running their own businesses.
Who are entrepeneurs?
The phrase, with the name of a body part in it, is used when you want to encourage someone to keep smiling and not lose hope.
What is "keep your chin up"
This bird is a nocturnal animal and can rotate its head 180 degrees.
What is an owl
This doctor diagnoses and treats problems with the heart and blood vessels.
What is a cardiologist.
Beware, you birds, when you encounter one of these when trying to steal some harvest from the field.
What are scarecrows.
This group is responsible for the day-to-day running of a company.
What is management.
This phrase, with the name of a facial feature in it, is often used when you are looking for something that is lost or you are watching for someone that you would like to talk to.
What is "keep an eye out".
This mammal has a long and flexible tongue, brown spots and is very tall. Tall trees are on this animal's menu for lunch.
What is a giraffe
This doctor diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system.
What is a neurologist
The full moon closest to the Autumn equinox is called this.
What is the Harvest Moon.
The people who buy goods and services.
Who are consumers
This phrase, with the name of a human joint in it, is used to encourage someone to put a little more effort into a physical task, such as washing the floor.
What is "elbow grease"
A black and white bird that can swim, but not fly.
What is a penguin.
What is a pediatrician.
These trees shed their leaves annually after putting on a colorful show.
What are deciduous trees.
These are used to keep customers aware of their products and services.
What are advertisements
This phrase, with a very supportive part of your body in it, is what you will say you are doing when you are teasing someone.
What is "pulling their leg"
This amphibian has a long, sticky tongue and is able to change color to blend in with its surroundings.
What is a chameleon
This doctor specializes in treating diseases of the skin.
What is a dermatologist.
This sport season starts in early Autumn in North America.
What is football.
A business, like McDonald's, that operates under a "parent" firm.
What is a franchise.
This phrase, with the name of a facial feature in it, is used to encourage someone to keep focused and working hard at a task
What is "keep your nose to the grindstone"
This mammal, found in Africa, has a long, curved horn on its nose and is an endangered species.
What is the rhinocerus.
This doctor is a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and tendons.
What is a rheumotologist.