Anesthesia Gases
Regional anesthesia
General Anesthesia

This is the MAC of desflurane.

hat is 6.7?


What does proper preoxygenation markedly delay?

What is desaturation?


These are some methods for guiding needle placement during a nerve block.

What are landmarks, nerve stimulation and Ultrasound?


Administration of General anesthesia has 5 goals that start with the letter A.

What is? 

-Amnesia (pts don't remember)

-Awareness (pts don't respond to stimuli)

-Analgesia (pts don't feel pain)

-Akinesia (pts don't move)

-Autonomic stability (pts don't get hypertensive/tachycardic)


A 22 year old woman undergoes a supraclavicular peripheral nerve block with bupivacaine. Shortly after the procedure, she becomes restless and develops a tonic-clonic seizure. According to ASRA's current local anesthetic systemic toxicity guidelines, the administration of this medications is MOST appropriate.

What is Midazolam?


This is the Vapor pressure of Isoflurane.

What is 240?


In a patient with COVID-19 requiring general anesthesia and tracheal intubation, this is the MOST preferred location for placement of the gas sampling line port.

What is between the tracheal tube and the breathing circuit Y-piece? 

(To protect the anesthesia machine and the gas analyzer from viral particle contamination)


These are potential side effects of a nerve block.

What is bleeding, infection, nerve damage and LAT?


The potency of anesthetic gasses measured in this concentration. 

What is MAC (Minimal Alveolar Concentration)?

-one MAC is the alveolar concentration of anesthetic gas at which 50% of pts don't move with surgical incision.

-0.3 MAC = pt awakens from anesthesia

-0.7 MAC = amnesia reliably present

-1.0 MAC = 50% pts don't move w/ incision

-1.3 MAC = 95% pts don't move w/ incision

-1.5 MAC = blunts HTN/tachy on incision

->2.0 MAC = some muscular relaxation


Two hours after intubation facilitated by 25 mg of rocuronium, a 70-kg woman's train-of-four ratio is 0.98 by quantitative monitoring. This dose of neostigmine is MOST appropriate to revers her neuromuscular blockade?

What is 0?


The Phenomenon when a large volume of one gas acccelerates uptake of a companion gas.

What is the 2nd gas effect?


Bilateral vocal cords will be in paramedian position with injury of this nerve bilaterally.

What’s the recurrent laryngeal nerve?


A 75-year-old man has pain and respiratory splinting after sustaining fractures to the seventh, eighth, and ninth anterior ribs after a fall. This regional nerve blocks will provide the BEST relief for the patient's pain.

What is serrates anterior block? 

A serratus anterior block provides analgesia to the anterolateral chest wall.


These are some characteristics of an ideal anesthetic gas.

What is nonflammable, non pungent, non toxic, non emetogenic, doesn't cause malignant hyperthermia, doesn't cause respiratory or cardiac depression, bronchodilator, potent, fast onset/offset, cheap, plentiful, stable at room temp/pressure?


A patient with thyroid storm is noted to have worsening tachycardia, an increasing temperature, and agitation postoperatively. This medication should be administered FIRST.

What is propylthiouracil?


The only inhalted agent which does not alter PaCO2.

What is Nitrous Oxide?


Combined Respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis is highly suspicious for this medical condition.

What is Malignant Hyperthermia?


A 76-year-old woman presents with multiple posterior rib fractures. This is the most appropriate regional technique (NB) for this patient.

What is erector spinal plane block?

The erector spinae plane (ESP) block is an analgesic option for anticoagulated patients who present with acute pain from rib fractures.


PSI needed for jet ventilation.

What is PSI of 50?


A patient undergoes laparoscopic appendectomy. Muscle relaxation is accomplished using intermittently dosed rocuronium. At case completion, nerve stimulation shows a train-of-four count of 0 and posttetanic count of 2 twitches. This interventions is MOST appropriate for reversal of neuromuscular blockade.

What is 2mg/kg of Rocuronium? 

If 2 twitches are observed on train-of-four, sugammadex 2 mg/kg is appropriate to reverse rocuronium or vecuronium. If 1-2 posttetanic twitches are observed, 4 mg/kg sugammadex is the appropriate dose.


Unlike all other halogenated agents, this one cannot cause 'halothane hepatitis because triflouracetate is not one of its metabolites.

What is Sevoflurane?


Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the right with an increase in carbon dioxide.

What’s the Bohr effect?


A patient complains of numbness in his fingers and reduced grip weakness following an axillary nerve block 5 days after block placement. The symptoms completely resolve after 6 weeks. This clinical course is MOST likely explained with this syndrome pattern.

What is neuropraxia?

Most postoperative neurologic symptoms associated with regional anesthesia are secondary to a neuropraxic pattern of injury and recovery.


This centrally-acting antihypertensive decreases anesthetic requirements (MAC).

What is Clonidine?


An 85-year-old man with atrial fibrillation and on chronic warfarin therapy requires emergency surgery for an open femur fracture and poorly-controlled bleeding. The INR is 4.0 and a chest x-ray shows signs of pulmonary edema. This is the MOST appropriate treatment for this patient's coagulopathy.

What is PCC? Prothrombin complex concentrates