Dental Hygienists never give this injection, bilaterally.
What is IA Block?
Injection that uses max 2nd premolar apex as a landmark.
What is MSA?
45 degrees.
What is the angles necessary for a correct PSA block to be given?
Causes inability to close the lower eyelid.
Inadvertent deposition of anesthetic in the parotid gland.
area anesthetized by incisive block?
What are the teeth and periodontium of lower anterior teeth?
Patient has a toothache, #13. It needs to be extracted. The list of possible injections that you could possibly use.
What is MSA, GP, IO, AMSA Blocks?
Term used when pressing on tissue until it blanches?
What is pressure anesthesia?
closed mouth technique
what is Vazirani-Akinosi (VA) Block?
Uses the ML cusp of the maxillary 2nd molar as a landmark.
What is G-G block?
Tingling of 1/2 lip and tongue.
What are the indications of clinically effective IA?
Patient needs #18 deep scaled, and would like to be anesthetized. What injections will the dental hygienist use?
What is IA and LB Block?
Besides GP and NP, other injections that could possibly given on the palatal area.
What is AMSA, Supraperiosteal (infiltration). Also include PDL.
Extraoral landmarks include intertragic notch of the ear and the contralateral labial commissure.
What is G-G (Gow- Gates) block?
Nerve impulses directed away from the CNS system.
What is efferent?
Height of vestibule above max 2nd molar; the maxillary tuberosity area.
What is the insertion and deposition areas for the PSA?
Contralateral premolars are an intraoral landmark.
What is AMSA block?
The maxillary left quadrant is scheduled for deep scaling and root planing. List of injections used for this procedure.
What are ASA, MSA, or IO, PSA, GP, NP, or AMSA blocks?
Intraoral landmark for IA block.
What is the pterygomandibular fold?
foramen ovale.
What is the foramen that the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve travels through?
anteromedial surface of the mandibular condyle.
What is the deposition area for the G-G?
Injection uses apex of max. 1st premolar as a landmark.
What is IO?
Gag reflex
Contact bone with these injections.
What is: LB, IA, IO, G-G, GP?
Considered to be a true nerve block.
What is G-G?
Causes the medial pterygoid muscle to have trismus.
What is an anteriorly misplaced IA injection technique?