Machine Checks

What are the three most important preoperative checks?

1. Calibration of the O2 analyzer (ensures correct FiO2 reading)
2. Low pressure circuit leak test
3. High pressure test


Which gas flow meter should be positioned last in the anesthesia manifold and why?

The oxygen flow meters should be positioned LAST in the sequence of flow meters in the manifold to reduce the likelihood that a leak in one of the flow meters would allow oxygen to escape in lower inspired O2 concentration. Could cause a hypoxic gas mixture.

O2 remains closest to the patient, "Fail-safe"


Which pressure system are these parts a part of?

Cylinder supply

Cylinder pressure gauges

Cylinder Pressure regulators 

High-pressure system


Name 3 things your machine HAS to have on it.

1. Arterial O2 saturation of hemoglobin 

2. Arterial BP

3. Continuous EKG 


In the event your oxygen supply fails and you must switch indefinitely to your back up oxygen tanks, what are appropriate measures to reduce the amount of oxygen consumed and prolong the duration of your back up oxygen supply?

Some anesthesia machines utilize oxygen as the driving gas to power the ventilator. By reducing fresh O2 flow rates and eliminating the use of the ventilator by allowing the patient to breathe spontaneously or ventilating through the reservoir bag, you will prolong the back up oxygen supply.

Name the machine checks done in between each case

#2, 4, 7, 11-15


Does the arrangement of flow tubes always prevent hypoxia?

No, patient can still receive a hypoxic mixture if there is a break in the system.


What system are these parts a part of?

Pipeline supply

O2 low pressure alarm

Fail-safe device

O2 flush valve

Auxillary O2 flowmeter


Intermediate Pressure System


The N20 proportioning system will not let you turn N2o up above what %?



Which change would you see if there's a leak in the bellows in an oxygen driven ventilator?

Oxygen driven ventilators use 50 psi pressure source to drive the ventilator. If a leak develops in the bellows and the patient is exposed to that higher pressure and peak inspiratory pressure would rise. The fraction of inspired oxygen would also rise.


Name the machine checks done daily.


If the digital screen stops working or if there is an electrical supply failure, what do we use to provide O2?

Auxillary O2 Flowmeter


What system are these parts a part of?



Check valve

Common Gas outlet

Low pressure system


What does a check valve do?

Ensures one-way flow/prevents backflow/retrograde flow

EX: Retrograde flow can occur from pt coughing


What would happen if an oxygen cylinder is left open in the pipeline pressure drops below 45 psi?

Normal pipeline pressure is 50 psi. If the pressure drops below 45 psi and the oxygen cylinders open, oxygen will begin to flow from the cylinder. There is no alarm to alert of this condition. The low oxygen supply alarm does not sound until the emergency supply is exhausted.


What 2 components does the high-pressure test test for?

That positive pressure can be maintained through the breathing circuit and that the unidirectional valves are functional.


Using the oxygen flush valve allows oxygen to bypass what components?

Using the O2 flush valve creates a direct communication between the high and low pressure circuits and allows oxygen to bypass the flow meters and manifold.


Name the pressures associated with each pressure system.

High--2000 to 45psi or 750 to 45psi

Intermediate--50 to 14.7psi

Low 14.7psi


What are some examples of what would set off the O2 low-pressure alarm?

-depleted O2 tank

-low pipeline pressure

-disconnected O2 hose from machine


During a general anesthetic you hear a loud sound of escaping gas from the machine, what might be the source?

something is leaking

Ambu bag + new machine


How do we conduct a negative pressure test?

Connect bulb to common gas outlet and squeeze bulb and see if it inflates (if it inflates there is a leak,).

Also test with each vaporizer on and make sure the bulb stays flat.

If there is a leak, the bulb will inflate, showing a leak in the flowmeter or vaporizer/vaporizer connection


What is the only machine safety device that detects problems downstream from the flow meters?

The O2 analyzer


What is the pressure and flow associated with the O2 flush valve?

50 psi and 35-75L


What is a risk of hitting the O2 flush valve other than barotrauma?

Patient awareness-hitting the O2 flush valve delivers a high volume of fresh gas to your patient and will dilute your volatile anesthetic which can cause patient awareness


You have pressure tested your breathing system by occluding the Y connector and flushing the circuit with O2, what can you conclude about the integrity of the system from the flowmeter assembly to the breathing circuit?

Nothing, This only tests the circle system