Symptoms or Warning Signs
of Anger
True or False
Anger Management Skills

Fun Riddles

When someone holds back their actions. This is needed when we become angry...we should exercise....It starts with a C

What is control?


What are some of the physical symptoms of anger that you may experience?

What is your mind going blank, Face turns red, clench fists, headaches, crying.


Not everyone gets angry

What is false. Everyone gets angry and it is okay to get angry. Its important that one handles it in an appropriate manner.


When you are paying attention to some of the warning signs of Anger within yourself, what are you trying to do?

What is Recognize your Anger Early


Five men were in a boat. It capsized, but only two got their hair wet. Why?

Two were bald


This is something that a person has when he/she has a fit of temper. Babies are known for having these. It is unacceptable for kids who are not babies to react to their anger with these. These are called?

What is a temper tantrum. 


At what point on the Anger Thermometer do you need to start dealing with the anger, before it shoots up to a 10.

What is 5. It's important to recognize it and deal with it before it gets to a 5 because it can shoot to a 10 within seconds. 


Ripping up paper or punching a pillow is an appropriate way to handle anger. 

What is true


What is something that you can do to cope with your anger where you count for 4 seconds breath in, and hold your breath for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds?

What is deep breathing.


I have no life but I can die. What am I?

A Battery


What is the anger thermometer?

A scale from 1-10 that allows us to measure their progress as their anger escalates. 1 represents no anger and 10 represents their maximum anger. 


Why would being aware of your triggers be important when thinking about anger?

Being aware of the triggers and being cautious around them will reduce the likelihood of your anger getting out of control. 


Getting really angry about things can leave you feeling out of control.

What is true.


Give two inappropriate ways of dealing with your anger?

Various answers.


What did the chewing gum tell to the shoe?

I will always stick with you


To feel defeated. If a person is doing something or experiencing something and he feels like he wants to give up, it is because he/she has become ______. Often times this leads to anger. 

What is frustration?


What can cause a person to feel anger?

Various reasons.....

The only way to get people to listen to me is to have a temper tantrum or act in an inappropriate manner. If I do this, people wont listen. 

What is false. Open communication and dialogue is important.


If someone hurts my feelings or does something to make me upset, I should....

Talk to them about it using "I" statements.

ex. I feel that you were trying to hurt me. 


What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?

A pillow


What is the anger iceberg?

Its a concept that suggests that anger is just the visible tip of a deeper emotional issue. Emphasizes the importance of exploring and addressing these underlying emotions to better manage and understand your anger. 

True or false: It is healthy for someone to be angry.

What is true. A Healthy expression of anger allows others to know how we feel and helps to resolve conflicts or problems. We all experience anger. 


Most people don't like to lose control

What is true? No one wants to lose control. Getting angry and expressing it in an inappropriate way leaves you feeling out of control. 


Sometimes people use anger to hide other feelings and emotions. What are these feelings? Name at least 2

Various answers (disappointment, shame, guilt, sadness, etc.


What has a head yet it never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps,
can run but can not walks, and has a bank but not a cent to its name?

A river