Reduce Stress
Problem Solving
Talk it out
What physical activity helps calm people when they are upset?

What is taking a walk, dancing or exercising to calm down?


Many kids say they are stressed because they have too many things to do in a given day. How can you manage your time to reduce stress?

What is planning your day and talking to your parents to reduce your schedule?


What is something that frustrates you?

How can you change your attitude to be more positive?

Child's response in a more positive statement


What is a problem you have at home that makes you really upset? 

Think of 2 possible solutions to this problem.

2 solutions


When Mike looked upset, his mother would ask, "What's wrong?" Mike would just say, "Nothing." 

How would you get someone like Mike to talk more about his feelings?

story to help Mike


What is an example of deep breathing using counting?

What is counting slowly from 1 to 10 as you inhale for 3 seconds and then exhale for 3 seconds?


What time of day are you most irritable?

Whatever time the child feels most stressed


Many families have small arguments. What are 3 positive things you can say about your family?

3 positive statements about the child's family


Sometimes others can frustrate us but not on purpose. What can we say to ourselves to calm down when it happens?

"I don't think they meant to anger me"

"It's not the end of the world"

"I can leave and go relax"


Some people talk a lot about how they feel, and other people keep their feelings to themselves. Rate yourself on how often you share your feelings, with 1=1 hardly share them at all and 10=1 I always tell people how I feel. 

Child can share feelings with a rating


What is an artistic form of relaxation?

What is drawing, painting, coloring, using clay, making jewelry or some other form of creative expression?


A healthy diet helps you feel better physically and sleep better, which can help your mood. How could you change your diet to make it healthier?

What is eating a balanced diet?

Self-esteem is very important to having a good mood. What are 3 positive things you can say about yourself?

3 positive statements


What is a problem you have at home that makes you really upset? Tell about 2 possible solutions to this problem 

2 possible solutions to this problem


Who do you talk to when you need good advice on how to solve a problem?

child's story


What is a way the body reacts when angry?

What is heart racing, or stomach aches?


Certain activities and situations can make you hyper, which can make you more likely to lose your temper. Name 3 activities or situations where you become more hyper.

3 situations the child chooses


Why do you think that people want to be friends with kids who have a positive attitude?

What is they are encouraging, and fun to be around.

What does it mean to compromise? Can you tell about a problem you need to compromise about?

compromise story


What words can you say to others that voice your frustration in a healthy way?



What is a way to get anger out of the body's muscles?

What is progressive muscle relaxation? where you tense and release your muscles from your head to your toes. 


If you don't get enough sleep, you are more likely to be cranky. Why do you think that many kids don't get enough sleep? How much sleep do you get each night?

What is grumpy feelings?

What is one thing that your teacher does that bugs you the most? Can you think of a positive thing you could say so that your teacher could change this behavior? (or same question about a parent)

child's statement of their choosing

Sara was mad at her teacher, because she wouldn't let Sara sit with her friends. Sara glared at her teacher and sometimes ignored what she said. What would you tell Sara to do in this situation?

story for helping Sara


When you want to apologize, your body language, voice tone, and facial expression can tell someone that you are sincere. Say, "I'm sorry" in a way that would make someone really bevel you. 

demonstrate apology with effective body language