How do all the oceans say hello to each other
They Wave
Everyone gets angry.
True. Everyone gets angry. It's ok to get angry, it is how you handle it that matters.
True or False. It's ok to express your anger.
True. This should be done in appropriate ways. discuss ways.
Name 3 things you can do to calm yourself down when you are starting to feel uneasy, which may lead to anger.
Count to ten backwards
take deep breaths
journaling, meditate
listen to music
play with a pet
talk to someone
get your body active - run, jump, swing, play
in what movie is there a talking snowman
What can you catch but not throw?
a cold
Playing games outside can make you feel less angry?
What are two ways you can handle your anger at home?
Sleep, watch TV, play games, etc.
True or False. punching the wall or hitting your head on the wall is an appropriate way to handle anger.
false - it is not helpful and hurts us to hit the wall with any part of our body. We can also damage the wall.
What movie is about toys that come alive
toy story
Why did the student eat his homework
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!
Getting really angry about things can leave you feeling out of control.
What type of behavior is inappropriate when expressing your anger? Give 2 examples.
breaking things, hitting, kicking, biting, yelling, name calling, etc.
What are some reactions your body does when you feel anger? (think where in your body does anger show and how.)
Stomach aches,
Fast heartbeat,
Fast breathing or holding your breath,
The way your eyebrows or face feel
Stomping feet
Slamming things
Running away
Who is simba's father
Why did the cookie go to the hospital?
because he felt crummy
The only way to get people to listen to you is to throw a temper tantrum or act in an inappropriate way. They won't pay attention to you otherwise.
How can you advocate for yourself when you're feeling angry or upset?
Tell an adult how you feel, "I'm feeling angry right now and need some help"
Try to solve the problem, "hey, it makes me feel frustrated when you take the toy without asking. can you please ask first?"
Experts say getting our bodies busy is a good way to reduce feelings of anger. What 3 ways can you get your body busy?
Exercise (running, playing sports, swinging, jumping)
Riding a bike
What move is about a son and his dad in the ocean
finding nemo
Why are cats good at video games?
because they have nine lives
Anger always leads to agression.
What are two ways you can handle your anger at school?
Deep breathe, get some water, talk to teacher/ counselor, count to 10.
Sometimes anger is used to hide what people are really feeling. What other feelings can anger be hiding?
The character Sebastian appears in which Disney film
little mermaid