True or False
Handling Anger
Calming Down
This is something that sets your anger off.
What is Triggers. (Also, Stressors)
Everyone gets angry.
What is True. Everyone gets angry. It's ok to get angry, it is how you handle it that matters.
True or False. It's ok to express your anger.
What is True. This should be done in appropriate ways. discuss ways.
Name 3 coping skills.
What is (Count to ten, take deep breaths, journaling, meditate, listen to music, draw, play with a pet, talk to someone, etc.)
True or False. Our Feelings are important because they help us deal with situations we encounter daily.
What is True. Our feelings are made to be felt, explored, understood, and released in positive ways.

True or false. Yelling, becoming aggressive, and becoming argumentative are anger warning signs. 



Imagining I am in a calming place is a healthy way to relax when I am feeling angry.

What is True.


The most common thing you can do when you become angry is____. *Hint: you can go backwards or start from the beginning.

What is count to ten. This can give you time to calm down.


True or false. Listening to music or drawing are ways that I can help myself to calm down when I am feeling angry.

What is true.


True or False. Taking long, deep breaths will not help me calm down when I am feeling angry.

What is false. Why is this?


When someone yells at you and you do not yell at them back, you are practicing self_______.

What is control. This is needed when you become angry.

Getting really angry about things can leave you feeling out of control.
What is True.
What type of behavior is inappropriate when expressing your anger? Give 2 examples.
What is (breaking things, hitting,kicking, biting, yelling, name calling, etc.)
True or False. Playing games helps you reduce stress.
What is true.
True or False It is healthy for someone to be angry.
What is True. A healthy expression of anger allows others to know how we feel and helps to resolve conflicts and problems. We ALL experience anger.
List 2 physical signs of anger.
What is [shaking, racing heart beat, clenched fists, feeling hot, etc.)
The only way to get people to listen to you is to throw a temper tantrum or act in an inappropriate way. They won't pay attention to you otherwise.
What is False.
When we choose to handle anger in inappropriate ways, we have to face the____.
What is consequences.
Free activity that increases circulation that can be done on a track, a treadmill, or in a park.
What is running. (exercise)

True or False. Clenching my fists, feeling hot, and throwing things are anger warning signs. 

True. These are things that might indicate that I am feeling angry.

This is a way to release your emotions, fears, worries. You can do this by talking to a friend, family member, or writing in a journal. *Hint: Starts with a V
What is venting
Anger always leads to agression.
What is False.
You can also __ __ __ when you are angry. People may think that you are crazy but it works! *Hint: starts with a T
What is talk to yourself.
Sometimes people use anger to hide other feelings or emotions. Name 2.
What is (disappointment, guilt, shame, jealousy, sadness, etc.)
Give an example of an "I" statement.
What is [Various examples] "I feel that you are trying to hurt me when____." Instead of "You were trying to hurt me."