Myths of anger
Cues of Anger
Name that coping skill
Anger Grab Bag
One misconception or myth about anger is that the way people express anger is inherited.

What is the way you express anger cannot be changed?


This type of anger cue describes how your body responds and covers things like increased heart rate, tightness of breath, feeling hot.

What is physical cues?


This anger coping skill involves taking a break from a situation in order to collect yourself. 

What is a time out?


This term describes behavior that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage to property.  This behavior can include verbal abuse, threats or violent acts. 

What is Aggression?

This phase of the aggression cycle is where we can see verbal aggression, destructiveness, violence.

What is the explosion phase?


This myth states that the only effective way to express anger is through aggression. 

What is Anger automatically leads to aggression?


This type of anger cue describes things like fear, hurt, jealousy, disrespect.

What is emotional cue?


This coping skill involves a network of people who understand and support us and our goals. 

What is a social support system?

This term describes the idea that your feelings, thoughts and believes are important, but my feelings thoughts and beliefs are unimportant and inconsequential. 

What is passive behavior?


This phase of the aggression cycle is characterized by negative consequences resulting from the explosion. These could include being fired, loss of family/friends, and feelings of guilt and shame.

What is the aftermath?


This myth states that the only way to get what you want you have to dominate, intimidate, harm or injure another person, also known as winning at any cost. 

What is you must be aggressive to get what you want?


This anger cue describes the actions taken such as clenched fists, yelling, staring at others. 

What is behavioral cues?


This coping skill promotes relaxation through breathing. 

What is Deep breathing?

This term first used in the 1940s refers to any situation where demands are made on a person and the demands are seen as unfair or unreasonable or as interfering with one's life.  People that exhibit this behavior may feel that others are trying to control them. 

What is passive-aggressive?


This technique to controlling anger involves the use of self-commands such as "I will only get in trouble if I keep thinking this way". 

What is thought stopping?


This myth states that screaming or beating on pillows is healthy and theraputic.

What is Venting anger is always desirable?


This anger cue involves hostile self-talk, images of aggression and revenge.

What is Cognitive cues?


This coping skill promotes relaxation through tightening and releasing different muscle groups in the body.

What is progressive muscle relaxation?


This term involves standing up for yourself in a way that is respectful of other people.  It is stating that my feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important and your feelings, thoughts and beliefs are equally important. 

What is assertiveness?


This model provides five steps to help resolve conflict.

What is the conflict resolution model?


This word describes what anger becomes when it is routine, familiar and a predictable response to a variety of situations.

What is a habit?


Anger cues are considered the warning signs and usually occur in the ____ phase of the aggression cycle.

What is build up phase?


This coping skill targets our cognitive cues of anger by identifying the activating event, the belief system, the consequence, and disputing. 

What is the A-B-C-D model?


This term means a complex set of attitudes and judgements that motivate aggressive behaviors. 

What is hostility?

The conflict resolution model has the following steps: 1. Identify the problem, 2. Identify the feelings associated with the conflict  3.______________, 4.___________, and 5.______________

What is Identify the impact of the problem, decide whether to resolve the conflict and work for the resolution of the conflict?