Feeling or a sense of emotion that ranges from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.
What is anger?
toolbox and specific strategy to manage anger
What is an anger control plan
Non-aggressive allowing the other person to be heard above our own feelings
What is Passive
Interpretation of events that provokes anger
What is Red Flags?
buildup, explosion, and aftermath
What is the aggression cycle
A behavior that is intended to cause harm to another person or damage property. This behavior can include verbal abuse, threats, or violent acts.
What is aggression?
Anger management strategy that should be in everyone's anger control plan
What is timeouts
You can practice this exercise at home, work, on a bus, while waiting for an appointment , or while walking
what is deep breathing
How your body responds
What is a physical que
What do you do when you are angry
What is a behavioral que
Other feelings that occur along with anger
What is an emotional cue
telling yourself a series of commands to revert your thoughts to something else
what is thought stopping
My feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important, and your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are equally important.
What is assertiveness?
What do you think about in response to the event
What is cognitive response?
influenced our behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes as adults. with regard to anger and its expression, these feelings and behaviors were modeled for us
what is anger and the family
The "A" in ABCD Model
what is an activating event
Resolving a conflict assertively with 5 simple steps
What is conflict resolution model
People who are _______ __________ may often feel that others are trying to control them or are on a "power trip".
Model is consistent with the way some people conceptualize anger management treatment.
What is the A-B-C-D Model
What is the anger meter
A series of behaviors by someone who reacts and behaves inappropriately to internal or external stimuli. Beliefs that are not always followed by society.
Not providing adequate of appropriate adjustment to the situation/environment.
What is Maladaptive Behaviors?
Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, and Passive-Aggressive responses are LEARNED behaviors; you do not have innate, unchangeable traits -- the way we express anger cannot be changed
what is an anger myth
The basic message of, "Your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are important, but MY feelings, thoughts, and beliefs are unimportant and inconsequential".
What is passive
A warning sign that you have become angry and that your anger is escalating
What is cues to anger
A Secondary Emotion / Response
What is ANGER