Helpful Comebacks
True or False. It is not OK to feel angry.
False. Everyone feels angry at one time or another.
Our feelings are important because they help us deal with situations we encounter daily. True or False.

An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like.

What is anger?


A person continues to say disrespectful things about you . What is a positive way to deal with your anger?

What is telling them to stop, walk away, count to 10, visualize a fun place, talk it out using "I statements."

"Your Momma...!" "That's odd because I don't think you even know my Momma!" Is this a helpful comeback?
True or False. If you are always angry, people will not want to be around you.
If someone hurts my feelings or does something to make me upset, I should.....
Figure out a way to solve my problem, talk to the person using "I statements," walk away, ignore, talk with an adult, etc.

When someone chooses not to hit another back, that person is remaining in ___________. (It starts with a "C".)

What is control?

You are on the bus minding your own business and a kid two grades older than you tells you you're poor because of where you live. You have assigned seats and the kid won't stop being mean. What is a positive way to deal with your anger?
Tell him to stop, ask for help from an adult, ignore him, ask the bus driver for a new assigned seat, etc.
"Get away, you can't be in our group." "Who cares. I don't want to be in your dumb old group anyway." Is this a helpful comeback?
No. Something better might be, "Why are you mad at me?"
True or False. Getting really angry about things can leave you feeling out of control.
True or False. The feeling of anger can be healthy.
True. It can help move us to make positive change.

This is something a person has when they don't get their own way. It is common to see these in two year old children. (The answer is two words and they both start with "T".)

What is a temper tantrum?

You are sitting in your seat in class and the person next to you keeps looking at you and rolls her eyes at you. She then breathes in your face. It is obvious she is doing it on purpose. What is a positive way to deal with your anger?
Ask her to stop; ask her why she is frustrated; get help from an adult
"I bet I did better on that test than you did." "Well then, congratulations!" Is this a helpful comeback?
True or False. The only way to get people to listen to me is to have a temper tantrum. If I don't do this, people won't listen.
Can a person be angry and happy at the same time?

Name two types of behaviors that are not appropriate to do when a person becomes angry.

What are punch, hit, kick, name-call, or have a temper tantrum

After lunch you go back to your classroom and find your favorite pencil missing. Two students are looking at you and laughing while using your pencil. What is a positive way to deal with your anger?
Ask them to give your pencil back, get help from an adult, etc.

"You're a stinky person!" "It takes one to know one!" Is this a helpful comeback?

what is no. A better response might be, "That's funny, I just took a shower this morning."

Most people learn how to control their response to anger.
Reciprocal Inhibition means two opposite feelings cannot occupy the same space at one time. Which feeling needs to go away so that the problem can be solved?
The anger feeling goes away when a positive feeling comes in.

When we make bad choices when we are angry, we usually have to face the _____________________. (It starts with a "C".)

What are Consequences

You and a friend are talking in class. The teacher has asked you twice to be quiet. This time, it's your friend who talks, but the teacher asks only you to go sit in the hallway. What is a positive way to deal with your anger?
Do as the teacher asks without arguing; talk to the teacher later when you are both calm; maybe ask her to let you move away from your friend so it doesn't happen again, etc.

"You live in a trash can!" "Actually, I don't. That's nice that you care so much about where I live though." Is this a helpful comeback.

What is Yes