Handling Anger
Calming Down

An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. This is an emotion that is very common and powerful. Although it is common, it is bad if we do not handle it in an appropriate manner.

What is anger?

Not everyone gets angry
What is False? Everyone gets angry. It is ok to get angry. It is important that one handles it in an appropiate manner.
It is ok to express our anger
What is true? This should always be done in an appropiate manner. Discuss ways.
True or False. It is ok to express your anger
What is true
True or False. Our feelings are important because they help us deal with situations we encounter daily.
What is true? Our feelings are made to be felt, explored, understood and released in a positive manner.
When someone holds back their actions. This is needed when we become angry...We should exercise......It begins with a C
What is control
If you are always angry, people will not want to be around you.
What is true
The most common thing one can do when he becomes angry is_____. This gives you time to calm down as you are doing this. Hint: YOu can go backwards or you can start from the beginning.
What is count to ten?
True or False. Ripping up paper or punching a pillow is an appropiate way to handle anger.
What is true
True or False. Can a person be angry and happy at the same time?
What is false? This is called Reciprocal Inhibition. This means that two feelings cannot occupy the same space at one time. Turn your bad energy into good energy.
This is something that a person has when he/she has a fit of temper. Babies are known for having these. It is unacceptable for kids who are not babies to react to their anger with these. These are called ?
What is a temper tantrum?
Getting really angry about things can leave you feeling out of control
What is true
You can also do ________when you are angry. People looking at you may think that you are crazy but it works. Hint: It begins with a t
What is talk to yourself to help YOU calm down. This keeps you from making bad choices because of your anger.
What is visualizing? This can be used to help you calm down.
What is thinking about positive things or thinking about things that make you happy (vacation, person, etc.)
Reciprocal Inhibition means two opposite feelings cannot occupy the same space at one time. Which feeling goes away?
What is the bad feeling?
To release your emotions, release your frustrations, release your worries...Students may do this by talking to a counselor, parent, teacher, friend or even writing it in a journal. Doing this helps a person avoid making inappropiate choices related to anger. Starts with a V!
What is venting?
The only way to get people to listen to me is to have a temper tantrum or act in an inappropiate manner. If I don't do this, people won't listen.
What is false
what type of behavior is inappropiate when expressing your anger? Give me two examples.
Various examples

Give two inappropriate ways of dealing with anger.

Various answers  exploding, lashing out, 

If someone hurts my feelings or does something to make me upset, I should.....
Talk to them about it using "I" statments. Ex. I feel that you were trying to hurt me...
To feel defeated. If a person is doing something or experiencing something and he feels like he wants to give up, it is because he/she has become______. Often times this leads to anger.
What is frustration?

Most people don't like to lose control

What is true? No one wants to lose control. Getting angry and expressing it in an inappropiate manner leaves you feeling out of control

Choosing to handle our anger in an inppropiate way like throwing a tantrum, slamming doors, hitting someone, etc are all bad choices.. When we choose to make these choices, we have _____
What is consequence?

Sometimes people use anger to hide other feelings and emotions. What are these feelings? Name two.

various answers (disappointment, shame, guilt, sadness, etc.)

It is healthy for someone to be angry. True or False
What is true. A HEALTHY expression of anger allows others to know how we feel and helps to resolve conflicts or problems. We all experience anger.