"Basic Training" of HEALS
Power Struggles, Blame, and Pride. Oh My!
What in the Core Hurts?

This is a form of pride that includes motivation to do something. It provides morale or the spirit to go on

What is self-esteem?


Blame makes you powerful.

What is False? It makes you powerless. Responsibility gives you the power to make you life better. 


You can also do ________when you are angry. People looking at you may think that you are crazy but it works. Hint: It begins with a H

What is HEALS, HEALS, HEALS or HALT to yourself to help YOU calm down. This keeps you from making bad choices because of your anger.


This happens when people contend with one another to avoid feeling powerless.

What is a Power struggles?


The ____ _____ _____ is designed as a repository of your core value, a kind of bank account of important things. 

What is Core Value Bank? Basic Humanity, Meaning & Purpose, Love, Spiritual, Nature, Creativity, Community, and Compassion.

When someone holds back their actions. This is needed when we become angry...We should exercise......It begins with a C
What is control

All abuse begins with an accomplishment of self-compassion. 

What is False? Failure of Self-compassion. You fail to understand and heal your hurt, which then turns into resentment, anger, and impulse to control others. 


Your Core Hurts results in these 8 unhealthy behaviors? 

What is Blame, Anger, Anxiety, Obsessions, Depression, Manipulation, Control, and Abuse of self and others. 


_______ is the ability to validate the Core Value of self and loved ones, even in disagreement. 

What is Empowerment?


Core Values most frequently as motivation to _____, ______, ______, and ______.

Improve, Appreciate, Protect, or Connect

An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. This is an emotion that is very common and powerful. Although it is common, it is bad if we do not handle it in an appropiate manner.
What is anger?

Apathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. 

What is False? Empathy



What is Powerless, Unimportant, Unlovable/Inadequate, Rejected, Accused/Guilty, Devalued, and Disregarded?


to make myself feel above accusation, I 

What is try to find a solution to the problem causing the accusation. 


_____ _____ is the deepest experience of the self. It is awareness of your humanity. When in touch with ____ ____, you cannot do wrong.

What is Core Values?


______ ___ ___________ powers your relationships. if you feel anxious and terribly lonely when not with that person, but when you are together, it isn't all that great. In other words, once _______ anxiety subsides, there seems to be little genuine bond. 

What is Fear of Abandonment?


Self-Compassion is: Understanding that when you are angry, resentful, anxious, or depressed, you are feeling hurt or afraid that you might be hurt. Sympathy with your hurt. Motivation to make yourself feel more valuable and worthy.

What is True?


This Core Value is the most important thing about me as a person.

This Core Value is the most important things about my life in general. 

What is Meaning & Purpose?


This gives you more power. 

What is empowering your spouse or children. 


"Sure, go ahead and lower our currency - everybody else does."

What is Devalued?


This focuses attention on strengths, resiliency, competence, growth, creativity, healing, and compassion, all of which are necessary for solving family problems. 

What is Responsibility?



What is False? H.E.A.L.S.


Each time you practice HEALSTM, you gain little more of your ____ ______.

What is Inner Self?


According to research, children believes their parents love them, but do not ____ them?

What is Value?

If someone hurts my feelings or does something to make me upset, I should.....
Talk to them about it using "I" statments. Ex. I feel that you were trying to hurt me...