A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
What is Anger?
Counting Down from 10...9...8...7..6...
What is the Countdown/Cool down method?
Using aggressive coping skills that can make you more prone to lashing out.
What is "scream it out?"
Anger and Assertiveness are the same thing
What is false?
People aren't the only thing that can get us angry. Our _____ can too.
What are the Surroundings/environment?
____is anger in action.
What is aggression?
Changing Angry thoughts to something more beneficial
What is "reframing my thoughts?"
Being aggressive leads you to hurting, injuring, and harming others. Many people think that aggression equals _____
What is assertiveness?
Anger is a negative emotion
What is false
A chart showing that anger is not one emotion, but many that goes deeper.
What is the "Iceberg of Anger?"
Social Media makes anger feel cool by having ____ and being seen as ______.
Toxic relationships & brutally honest
Removing yourself from an upsetting situation
What is "asking for alone time"
Anger is something that is inherited and passed through families. People think that you ____ _____ _____.
What is "Can't change anger?"
1 in 5 teens say they have trouble controlling their anger?
What is true?
A chart showing the different paths of emotions we have.
What is the "Wheel of Emotion?"
What is "making situations worse?"
Keeping a journal to reflect later on
What is "writing things down?"
What is "calm them down/talk/confront""
Anger impacts our mental health the most
What is false?
It's important to make your own ____ so that you cannot be taken advantage of.
What are rules?
Anger effects affect 3 parts of our body. That is ___, _____, and ______.
What is "Emotionally, mentally, and physically."
Once you calm down, its important to use ___ ________ to talk about what happened.
What are "I" Statements?
Anger is dangerous and bad. It is more healthy to ___ than to burst out.
What is "suppressing anger/hiding it."
Anger is usually triggered by people and those we know.
What is false?
By knowing what is _____ you, you can better control your anger
What is "upsetting?"