Coping Skills
Assertiveness Training
Anger in Relationships
Body-base symptoms need body-based _________________!!!!!!!!!!!

what is, intervention?


taking a ____________ can help a person separate themselves from a distressing or aggravating situation, and return with skillfulness. 

what is, timeout? 


The first step in the conflict resolution model is: 

1. Identify the __________. 

what is, problem.


T/F: assertiveness, aggression, and passivity are learned behaviors; they are not innate traits. 


Which of the Four Horsemen refers to refusing to talk or engage, and shutting yourself off from the other person during an argument? 

what is, stonewalling? 


T/F: deep breathing reduces cortisol levels

what is, true


T/F: our support systems are made of up of people who want us to do well, and hope we will succeed in life.

what is, FALSE! Support is an ACTION. Many people will *want* you to do well or *hope* you land on your feet, but a support system is made up of the people who actually HELP us accomplish our goals. 

what are the three steps in the aggression cycle? 

1. build up 

2. explosion 

3. aftermath


Instead of approaching a conversation with a list of grievances, it can be helpful to offer potential ____________, to communicate more effectively. 

what are, solutions?


Which of the four horsemen refers to saying negative or disparaging things about the other person during a conflict? 

what is, criticism? 


describe some physical cues a person might notice in the body when becoming angry.

what are, clenched fists, racing heart beat, sweating, etc.. 


resisting the urge to act on an emotion and instead doing the reverse of the urge is called ___________ ___________. 

what is, opposite action? 


Describe the process of putting thoughts on trial.

Defense: defends the validity of the thought

Prosecution: attempts to prove the thought untrue

evidence collected on both sides


describe in your own words when the emotion of anger is helpful, versus when it is unhelpful. 

helpful = when our values have been transgressed, when there is an injustice, or when we need to defend ourselves

unhelpful: when it keeps us from sound decision making, when acting on an urge will cause harm, when it scares the people we care about 


Which of the four horsemen refers to communicating an air of superiority towards the person you are in a conflict with, and belittling them? 

what is, contempt?


when a person becomes angry and/or feels threatened, the _______________ in the brain engages the fight or flight response. 

what is, amygdala? 


______________ ___________ __________ is a technique used to mindfully isolate the different muscles in your body and bring awareness to calming measures. 

what is progressive muscle relaxation? 


False beliefs that we have developed as a result of traumatic experiences, unsatisfactory parenting, or other harmful experiences are knows as ___________________ _______________. 

what are, maladaptive beliefs? 


speaking in an unclear and disengaged way, and not clearly communicating your needs, is referred to as...

what is, passivity/passive communication? 


69% of conflicts in relationships are ________________, meaning that they do not have a clear solution, and instead will need to be discussed with respect without needing to be "fixed". 

what is, perpetual?


what are the two hormones most commonly associated with anger? 

what is, cortisol and adrenaline?


accepting a situation as is without judgement or attachment to a desire outcome is called _____________ ____________. 

what is, radical acceptance? 


while monitoring your anger, it is important to consider the four types of "cues", which are... 

what are, physical, behavioral, emotional, cognitive? 

rephrase this sentence from aggressive to assertive: 

"you never listen to me"

"I feel unheard right now"

"when you said _________ it made me feel like you weren't listening"



During a conflict situation, if this occurs, you might reach a 10 on the anger meter, or feel so overwhelmed by your emotions that you are unable to communicate properly, signaling that you NEED a timeout. 

what is, flooding?