Anger Definitions
Music Trivia
Calming Down
Riddles and Jokes

An emotion that we experience when someone does something that we do not like. This is an emotion that is very common and powerful. It can have bad consequences if we don't respond to it appropriately



True or false? Everyone gets angry sometimes

True: Anger is an emotion everyone experiences, it's just important to deal with it appropriately


What band sings the song "Heat Waves"?

Glass Animals


Is it okay to express your anger? 

Yes: feeling and expressing anger is okay and very important for managing your emotions. It is not okay to express your anger inappropriately.


What animal can you always find at a baseball game?

A bat


When you have _____ you hold yourself back from doing something you know you shouldn't. This is usually needed when we become angry. It starts with the letter C.



True or false? If you never respond to anger appropriately, it will be difficult to work well with others. 



What female American pop singer is known as the "Queen of Christmas"? (Hint: I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need)

Mariah Carey


What are examples of appropriate ways to manage anger? (coping skills)

Talking it out, ripping paper, punching a pillow/mattress, writing, exercising, etc


Why did the chicken join a band?

Because it had drumsticks


What does it mean when you use positive self-talk?

To tell yourself positive things about yourself to shift your attention away from the negative. This is not a solution to a negative situation, but can be helpful in managing negative thoughts and feelings


True or false? Getting angry about something can also make you feel out of control.



Who was the most streamed artist in the first 10 years that Spotify existed? (2008-2018) This Canadian rapper, singer, and songwriter performs under his real middle name.



How can mindfulness help manage anger? (Mindfulness is focusing on what you're thinking and feeling in the present moment without judging yourself for it)

Practicing mindfulness can help you be aware of how you respond to anger and give you more information for calming down. For example, if you know you tend to think a certain negative thought when you're angry, use a counter thought to help calm yourself. (Instead of "They hate me!" maybe try "They might not understand what I'm thinking or feeling")


What is something that has teeth but can't eat?

A comb


This is a way to release your emotions, release your frustrations, release your worries. Someone might do this by talking to a counselor, family member, friend, or writing it in a journal. Starts with a V!

Venting or talking about it


True or false? Feeling angry is okay.

True: anger is an emotion that tells us we feel something isn't right or fair. It is not bad and is telling us something important about our needs or values. Our response to anger is important.


Camila Cabello is known for singing a song with the same name as the city where she was born. Where was she born?

Havana, Cuba


Give 2 examples of negative ways to cope with anger

Yelling/taking it out on others, hurting someone else, hurting yourself, etc


What's lighter than a feather, but harder to hold?

Your breath


This is a tense feeling you get when you can't do something you want to do or should be able to do. This feeling usually leads to anger. (Starts with an F)



True or false? Most people don't like to lose control

True: No one wants to lose control but we'll often feel we have when we get angry, especially if we don't respond to it appropriately.


Peter Gene Hernandez is the real name of what famous pop star who was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1985?

Bruno Mars


Sometimes people feel other emotions at the same time that they feel angry. What are two feelings someone might feel at the same time as anger?

Sadness, disappointment, shame, guilt, etc


What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?
