What to Do
How to Act
You took time to build the NASA Artemis Space LaunchSystem Lego® set for months, proudly displayed iton your bookshelf, and later found your little brothersurrounded by a sea of Lego® pieces with a guiltylook on his face.

Count to 20


Your birthday is coming up, and your parents promisedyou a BIG celebration. Unfortunately, your birthdayparty has been canceled because the whole family issick.

Draw a picture or write a letter about how you are feelings. 


There’s a kid who rides your bus that always picks onpeople. Sometimes, he throws paper balls at otherkids or tries to steal things from their backpacks. Oneday, he takes your lunch box from your backpack,opens the window of the bus, and throws it outside. Itfeels like the last straw, and you’re so mad you feel likedoing something mean to him!

Take 5 deep long breaths. 

You are moving away to another town where one of your parents got a new job. When you open your boxes to get your bedroom set up, you realize your art supplies were packed in the same box as all your photos of you and your old friends. The paint spilled and crayons melted all over the photos. It was hard enough to move away, and now your photos are all ruined! It feels like things couldn’t get any worse!
Do 20 pushups or jumping jacks. 
One day while you’re at the park, you and your friendsdecide to leave your bikes and take a walk throughthe woods nearby. You’re only gone for about 20minutes, but when you get back to the park, you noticeyour bikes are gone. You’re so upset! You love thatbike, and you know your parents don’t have the moneyto replace it.

Draw a picture of write about how you are feeling. 20 seconds.


Your grown-up promised they’d reward you for your improved science grade by taking you to see the new superhero movie in the theater this weekend. You study like crazy, and take the test. On Friday, your teacher hands back your tests and you see a big, letter “A” at the top! The grown-up says great job, but then say they are too busy to take you to the movie.

Draw a picture or write about how you are feeling. 20 seconds. 

Your birthday is coming up, and your parents promisedyou a BIG celebration. Unfortunately, your birthdayparty has been canceled because the whole family issick.

Sing the ABC's or a favorite song.

Your dad asks you to watch your baby sister. “Just sitwith her while she eats, and I’ll be back before youknow it,” he says. Only minutes after he walks outthe door, your sister picks up a pile of blueberries,squeezes them in her fist, and flings them right at you!You’re so mad at her, and you’re certain they’re goingto stain your favorite shirt!

Grab a pillow and let out a loud sound.

You’re in the middle of an epic round of your favoritevideo game, about to beat your high score! A grown-up calls you to dinner, but you keep playing. Aftercalling three more times, they burst in and turns thegame off.

Talk to God out loud for 10 seconds


Your family is going on an annual beach trip! Yourmom took you shopping for new clothes just for thetrip, and you’ve got them all packed in your luggage!A few hours into the road trip, you hear a crash fromthe roof of the car, and you realize some luggage felloff! You look out the rear window and see your bag ofclothes. It’s so unfair that your stuff happened to bewhat got ruined!

Talk to God out loud for 10 seconds