What do you call your father’s father?
If I am your mother’s son, what is our relationship?
Saudara kandung
What do you call your daughter’s son?
I love my family.
Saya cinta keluarga saya.
What do you call the daughter of your uncle?
If my sister has a daughter, what is she to me?
keponakan (perempuan)
What do you call the mother of your spouse?
Ibu mertua
My cousin lives in Jakarta.
Sepupu saya tinggal di Jakarta.
What do you call your mother’s sister?
If my mother’s brother has a son, what is he to me?
What do you call the husband of your aunt?
Paman / Om
This is my mother.
Ini ibu saya.
What do you call the husband of your sister?
Kakak Ipar
My father’s father and mother are my...?
Kakek Nenek
What do you call your brother’s wife?
I have one brother.
Saya punya satu saudara laki-laki.
What do you call your father’s second wife (not your biological mother)?
Ibu tiri
What do you call the brother of your wife?
Kakak Ipar
What do you call your mother’s mother?
I live with my family.
Saya tinggal dengan keluarga saya.