What is Angie's first name?
Angela Renee Paugh
What is Garry's full name?
Garold Scott Paugh
When did Angie and Garry get married?
December 25th, 2005
What is Garry's love language?
Physical touch
What do they call their bed?
the raft
What is Angie's birth date?
April 13th, 1970
What is Garry's birth date?
July 3rd, 1962
Where did Garry propose to Angie?
In the driveway of the Bowman Rd. house, in the green truck
What is Angie's love language?
Acts of service
What was the Bowman Rd house garage code?
1980-any number
Where was Angie born?
Dallas, Texas
Where was Garry born?
Springfield, Ohio
Where was Angie and Garry's first date?
Bob Evans in Washington Court House
What did Angie eat before going into labor with Garrin?
Taco Bell
What do they say when they need to take a nap?
Take five
What was Angie's first job?
Dairy Queen
What was Garry's first job?
What saying has the couple repeated for YEARS?
It's all good.
What was Garry's favorite job?
Driving a truck
What is the couple's dream vacation?
A riverboat cruise through Europe
Who is Angie's best friend, aside from Garry?
Lisa Case
Who is Garry's best friend, aside from Angie?
Larry Mullins
What did Angie save from her first date with Garry?
His gum in a wrapper
What was Angie's favorite job?
Her current job
What is each person's favorite memory at THIS house? (two answers)
Garry: His dad bringing home their first motorcycle, and all 3 boys taking turns riding through the pasture
Angie: All of us singing White Christmas and it started snowing