Polygon Angles
Find Area
Find Dimensions
Find the sum of the interior angles in a pentagon
What is (5-2)*180 3*180 540 degrees
Find the area of a rectangle with dimensions: 5 ft and 7 ft
What is 35 feet squared
Area of a parallelogram is 68 feet and the base is 10 feet. What is the height of the parallelogram?
What is 6.8 feet
Find circumference of a circle with a diameter of 6 feet. Round answer to the nearest tenth.
What is 9 pi or 28.3 feet
If the circumference of a circle is 20 meters, what is the radius?
What is 3.2 meters
Measure of each interior angle in a hexagon
What is (6-2)*180 divided by 6 4*180/6 120 degrees
Area of a parallelogram with a base of 9 inches and a height of 10 inches
What is 90 inches squared
The area of a square is 144 feet. What are the sides of the square?
What is 12 feet
What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 4 inches?
What is 8 pi or 25.1 inches
What is the interior angle of a regular nonagon?
What is 140 degrees
Sum of the exterior angles of a decagon
What is 360 degrees
Area of a rhombus with a diagonal of 6 meters and each side length of the rhombus is 5 meters
What is 24 meters squared
The area of a trapezoid is 40 inches squared and the bases of the trapezoid are 6 inches and 10 inches. What is the height of the trapezoid?
What is 5 inches
What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 14 meters?
What is 49 pi or 153.9 meters squared
If the exterior angle of a regular polygon is 20 degrees, how many sides does the polygon have?
What is 360/20 = 18 sides
Measure of each exterior angle of a heptagon
What is 360/7 51.4 degrees
Area of a trapezoid with one base of 15 feet and the second base of 8 feet and the height of the trapezoid is 4 feet
What is 46 meters squared
The area of a triangle is 40 feet squared and the base of the triangle is 10 feet. What is the height of the triangle?
What is 8 feet
What is the area of the sector of a circle with a 18 degree angle and a radius of 6 meters?
What is (18/360) * pi 6^2 5.7 meters squared
If the area of a circle is 78 meters squared, what is the circumference?
What is 31.3 meters
If the angles of a pentagon are 100 degrees, 50 degrees, a right angle, and x and x+6, find the value of x.
What is 100+50+90+x+x+6=540 2x=294 x-147
Area of a shape that has a rectangle with a triangle on top of it. Dimensions of the rectangle are 5 ft high by 10 ft wide. The height of the triangle is 4 feet.
What is 70 feet squared
Area of a trapezoid is 36 meters. The height of the trapezoid is 4 meters and the shorter base is 6 meters long. What is the length of the longer base?
What is 12 meters
If the area of a circle is 44 feet squared, what is the radius?
What is 3.7 feet
What is the exterior angle of 52 sided regular shape?
What is 6.9 degrees