This term mean "having a toxic effect on the inner ear structures"
What is ototoxic
This is a nursing measure done for clients with Otitis externa
This is the procedure for a client with continuous vertigo from meniere disease
What is labyrinthectomy
This medical term means the client has an infection/inflammation of the external ear
What is otitis externa
This is something the nurse must assist with if a client has meniere disease
This is the procedure if the client's mastoiditis does not respond to antibotics
What is Mastoidectomy
This term means; one sided sensorineural hearing loss, and vertigo that is related to overproduction of decreased reabsorption of endolymphatic fluid, causing a distortion of the inner canal system
What is Meniere disease
Teach the client to never do this because it could cause an ear infection
What is use a Q-tip or stick anything in your ear
This is the procedure a client would have if he had otitis media
What is tympanotomy AKA myringotomy
This medical term means a sense of whirling or turning in space. Sometimes described as "the room is spinning"
What is vertigo
These are the classic trio of S&S for Meniere disease
What are vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss
These are the two treatments given to a client with external otitis
What are topical antibiotics and steroid therapy
This medical term means "the surgical creation of a hole in the eardrum"
What is myringotomy
Teach the client not to do this if they have a perforation of the eardrum or otitis media because it will spread the infection
What is irrigate the ear
This procedure is when the client's middle ear is reconstructed to improve conductive hearing
What is Tympanoplasty