What is the medical term for the windpipe?
What is the trachea.
Air enters the body through these....
What is the nose and mouth.
How many lobes are there in the lungs?
What is 5?
The bronchiole tubes are branches of these two main tubes?
What is the bronchi?
Air travels down this before it reaches the lungs.
What is the trachea.
This is the hard structure that protects the lungs?
What is the rib cage.
This is the muscle at the bottom of your rib cage that aides breathing.
What is the diaphragm.
These structures are surrounded by capillaries.
What is the aveoli?
How many bronchi are there?
What is 2.
This is the type of blood do the lungs take in.
What is deoxygenated blood?
This is the shape of the diaphragm muscle.
What is dome shaped.
These structures have no cartilage.
What is the bronchioles.
There are approximately 600 million of these in the lungs.
What is alveoli.
This is the larger of the two lungs?
What is the right lobe
This is the structure where air exchange takes place.
What is the alveoli.
This is the number one thing that some people do that can cause damage to the lungs.
What is smoking?
Name at least 4 parts that make up the lung system.
What is ......the alveoli, diaphragm, bronchi, bronchioles, trachea