What is the biggest animal in the ocean ?
the blue whale
What Jungle animal has the largest tusks?
African Elephant
what is the most dangerous animal in the Canadian forest?
How long can a polar bear live?
up to 25 or 30 years
Why do birds go to another country during the winter?
Migratory birds fly south to their wintering grounds.
What do we call animals that live in salt water?
marine animal
who is the king animal of the jungle?
Who is the king animal of the forest?
the deer
How do polar animals survive?
They have a layer of stored fat under the skin which gives additional insulation. aka blubber
How many eyes do flies have?
five eyes.
Where do dolphins mostly live?
atlantic ocean
What do monkeys eat in the jungle?
fruits, leaves, seeds, nuts, flowers, vegetables, and insects.
What animal is the most probable to see in the quebec forest?
What is the color of a polar bears skin?
How many km per hour can a duck fly?
80 km per hour
What is the biggest shark called?
What jungle animal lives the longest?
Galàpagost tortoises
Name the element on a periodic table that the forest stores in tree roots and soil.
What is the most common cause of death of a polar bear?
hunting or poaching
What was the largest animal to fly in history?
Quetzalcoatlus northropi
How many different shark species are there in the world?
more than 1,000
How many different animal species live in the jungle?
up to 50 millions
Why do most animals live in forest?
Because they can provide both food and shelter in the same place.
How long do polar bears live in zoos?
23/24 years
How many different species of aerial animals do we have in the world?
50 different species