What fish can blow up like a balloon?
What mammal is a master of hearing and can live up to 12 years?
A rabbit
What is a type of reptile that became extinct 65 million years ago?
A dinosaur
What is our national bird?
What amphibian has a long tongue to catch flies?
A frog
What fish has sharp teeth and is known for its "feeding frenzies"?
A piranha
What massive mammal eats 300 pounds of food every day, but is an herbivore?
An elephant
What reptile is the smallest type of lizard?
A gecko lizard
What bird has the longest wingspan?
An albatross
What amphibian has dry, warty skin?
A toad
What crustacean is technically immortal?
A lobster
What mammal cannot breath through their mouth but can sleep standing up?
A horse
What reptile can move its eyes independently of one another?
A chameleon
What is the largest bird with the fastest running speed?
An ostrich
What amphibian looks like a cross between a lizard and a frog?
A salamander
What sea creature has a disc-shaped body, lives in the sand, and moves using tiny spines?
A sand dollar
What mammal communicates with others of its kind using a series of clicks and whistles?
A dolphin
What reptile looks like a floating log?
An alligator
What is a bird that nests in the gulf during the winter and catches fish with its talons?
An osprey
What amphibian is related to the salamander, but with webbed toes and a paddle-like tail?
A newt
What sea creature eats with its stomach?
A starfish
What mammals have been taught sign language in captivity?
Gorillas and chimpanzees
A crocodile
What bird, when feeding on a carcass in groups, is called a wake?
A vulture
What amphibian carries enough poison to kill 10 grown men?