Frogs and insects use this type of communication
What is Sound
Two types of innate behaviors include....
What are reflexes and instincts
A male peacock flaring his feathers at a female peahen is an example of this.
What is courtship behavior
How can the response of a fever help a sick animal?
What is helping to fight a disease
___________ reproduction allows an identical copy of the parent organism to be made as a result.
What is asexual reproduction?
This name is used to describe the coloring of animals with bright colors.
What is warning coloration?
In order to defend the borders of their territory from other animals animals may use this as a forceful behavior to control another animal.
What is Aggression
Removing your hand from a hot stove is an example of this.
Each species has their own ________, a process that starts when the organism is juvenile and unable to reproduce and becomes an adult that can successfully reproduce.
What is a life cycle?
An animal is known to be this when their tails and ears are tucked.
What is submissive?