What is Camouflage?
True or False: Arctic foxes can change their skin due to seasons.
The Chameleon uses what type of camouflage technique.
Concealing coloration
What animal is a reptile and can change color rapidly by using concealing coloration.
How many Commandments are there?
What is Adaption?
Adaption is how animals adjust to their surroundings so they can find food, escape danger, defend themselves and their young, or adjust their bodies to hit or cold temperature or lost habitat.
True or False: Tigers are apart of Disruptive Coloration
A fawn uses what type of camouflage technique
Disruptive Coloration
What animal is two tone, has four legs, is a mammal, somethings has antlers, and uses concealing coloration.
Who betrayed Jesus?
What is Mimicry?
Mimicry camouflage looks like some other animal as a form of protection.
True or False: Adaptation is what an animal uses to blend with their surroundings.
A Jumping Spider uses what type of camouflage technique.
What animal type of animal is a fish that mimics a piece of seaweed.
Leafy Sea Dragon!
How many days did Jesus fast for?
What is Disruptive Coloration?
Disruptive coloration is when an animal uses disruptive coloration, spots, strips or even patches are used to conceal an animal's presence.
True or False: A Zebra is an animal that uses mimicry to hide from predators
False! It's a tiger
What type of camouflage technique does a thorn bug?
Guess the animal that can mimic jellyfishes and giant crabs
A mimic octopus
How many Books of the Bible are in the Old Testament?
39 books.
What is Concealing Coloration?
Concealing coloration is an animal's ability to use color to hide its presence by visually blending into its surroundings.
True or False: Sharks and Dolphins use Disruptive Coloration.
What Insect mimics the color wing pattern, shapes and colors that are toxic to predators.
Female Swallowtail
Fill in the blank, Psalms 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of ______, I will fear no______; For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they _____ me."
Death, Evil, Comfort