This is the type of digestive system found in goats, lambs, and cows
Name the 4 stomach compartments in the correct order.
Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, Abomasum
What are the 3 categories of feedstuffs?
1. Roughages
2. Concentrates
3. Supplements
3 examples of roughages
Hay, Grass, Straw, Alfalfa
This essential nutrient makes up 70% of an animals body and is essential in organ function.
Explain the 2 main differences between monogastric animals and modified monogastric animals
1. Roughage instead of concentrates
2. Modified monogastric animals have a cecum
Explain handwear's disease
Metal is ingested and caught in the reticulum causing an imbalance of lethal elements or causing a puncture in the stomach
There are 6 essential nutrients, name them.
1. Protein 4. Minerals
2. Carbohydrates 5. Vitamins
3. Fats 6. Water
3 things to consider when selecting your animals feed
1. Species
2. Age
3. Energy Requirements
This feed category contains less than 18% crude fiber
Identify what ruminant animals and modified monogastric animals have in common other than they eat roughages.
They ferment there food
This chamber is considered the true stomach of the ruminant system.
Reading feed labels is an important part of understanding animal nutrition, name 4 things you can find on a feed label
Feeding instructions, Nutrient contents, Supplements, Brand
3 examples of supplements
Salt, Soda Bicarbonate, Bloodmeal, Mineral Blocks
This essential nutrient is a naturally occurring inorganic material that can not be broken down further than the state it is already in.
There are 2 types of digestion, name them and provide an example of each.
Chemical- Stomach using enzymes
Mechanical- Teeth
Describe the function of the omasum and what it looks like.
Looks like the pages of a book. Grinds roughages even further.
4 factors affecting nutritional needs
1- Maintenance 3- Work
2- Growth 4- Gestation and Lactation
This essential nutrient is use for growth and repair in your animal
Define Basal Maintenance Requirement
The minimum energy required to keep an animal alive. No growth or extra function is happening.
Explain the path that food takes in the avian digestive system starting with the mouth and ending with the cloaca.
Mouth, esophagus, crop, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, ceca, large intestine, cloaca
Ruminant animals are often seen chewing cud, what chamber of their stomach dose the cud come from?
This essential nutrient provides energy to the animal
The 4 things a successful ration must be in order to be effective
1. Fill them up
3. Provide energy/nutrient requirements
2. Taste Good
4. Be cost effective
You want to create a 300lb ration that is 18% crude protein using grass hay(10%) and dried barley(25%). How many lbs of each would be needed to do this?
140lbs Grass Hay
160lbs Dried Barley