How many commandments were written on the barn wall?
I am the pig who chases Snowball away and becomes the farm’s tyrannical ruler
These animals are the most intelligent on the farm and take on leadership roles.
The pigs
Who is the author of Animal Farm
George Orwell
Who leads the rebellion against Mr Jones?
Old Major
I am the persuasive pig who acts as Napoleon’s spokesperson, manipulating the other animals.
These animals work tirelessly to build the windmill and represent the working class.
The horses
Napoleon took what food and drink for himself and this pigs?
Apples and Milk
What song did Old Major teach to the animals while inspiriing the rebellion?
Beasts of England
I am the original owner of the farm
Mr Jones
These animals are trained by Napoleon as his secret police.
The dogs
What commandment did Napoleon adjust on the barn wall?
No animal shall sleep in a bed - changed to
No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets
Snowball and Napoleon constantly disagree, especially over what major construction project?
I am the animal who represents the skeptical working class and often say, "Donkeys live a long time."
These animals represent the easily manipulated masses and often chant slogans.
The sheep
The pigs claim that they must sleep in beds because of this reason.
They need better rest to make better decisions as leaders
What event occurs 3 nights after Old Major gives his speech?
He dies
I am the vain horse who loves sugar and ribbons and eventually leaves the farm.
This bird repeatedly warns the animals that things were better before the revolution.
The Raven
Napoleon blames this character for every failure on the farm, even after they are exiled