Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chater 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Who gives a speech to the animals?

Old Major


Who are the smartest animals?

The pigs. 


What is Boxer's motto?

I will work harder.


How do Pigs spread the ideas of the revolution to other farms?

They send Pigeons to teach "Beasts of England". 


Where does Mollie disappear to?

To pull a carriage for a man who fed her sugar


Why is it so hard for the animals to build the windmill?

They can only break stone by pulling it up a hill and dropping it back down.


What are the differences between Snowball and Napoleon?

Snowball= intelligence, inventions

Napoleon: Strength, violence, control. 


What is Old Major's message to the animals?
A. The animals are enslaved and should rebel.
B. Life will be the same no matter who is in charge.
C. Their future depends on the construction of a windmill.
D. Paradise is a place called Sugarcandy Mountain.

A. The animals are enslaved and should rebel


What story does Moses spread? 

That afterlife is in a happy land called Sugarcandy Mountain. 


What do the animals do every Sunday morning?
A. Clean the barn
B. Gather in prayer and songs led by Moses.
C. Raise a flag and hold a meeting to vote on resolutions
D. Walk proudly through town taunting the humans

C. Raise a flag and hold a meeting to vote on resolutions


What do Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick do to try to prevent animal rebellion on their own farms?

Spread rumors about Animal Farm (fighting, cannibalism, starving, torture)


What does Snowball want the animals to build?

A windmill to generate electricity.


How does Napoleon plan to get supplies the animals can't make?

Trade with humans.


After the rebellion in Animal Farm Chapter 2 what is the animals' first act after their victory, and why is this first act important to them?

They destroy all the items the farmers have used to control, harm, and hurt them. (Such as whips and harnesses) 


What's the name of the song about an animal utopia that Old Major teaches the animals?

"Beasts of England"


What event precipitates the animals' rebellion?

Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals. 


What reason does Squealer give for the pigs taking all the apples and milk?

They need it for their brain work.


What 2 shocking events happen during the Battle of the Cowshed?

A sheep  is killed and Boxer thinks he killed a man. 


Who chases Snowball off the farm?

Nine dogs Napoleon has raised. 


Who is Mr. Whymper?

A solicitor (lawyer) hired by Napoleon to deal with humans. 


Why do the other farmers feel threatened by the existence of Animal Farm?

Because Animalism could "infect" their farms too. 


What kind of text is this novel?

An Allegory.


What is the first sign of the Pigs real intentions?

They keep the milk for themselves. 


Snowball reduces animalism to this phrase.

"4 legs good, 2 legs bad"


Where does Snowball learn strategies of warfare?

Military books about Julious Cesar.


How does Squealer explain Snowball's absence?

He was a traitor and a criminal so they needed to get rid of him for the animals own good. 


Pigs move into the farmhouse. How do they respond to the accusation of breaking the commandments?

Rules appear slightly changed: e.g. No animal should sleep in beds with sheets. 


How does Squealer smooth over Napoleon's actions after the takeover of the farm in Animal Farm?

He uses rhetorical devices to convince animals about Napoleon's good intentions. (Propaganda)


Author who created the satire Animal Farm

George Orwell


Which are the 7 commandments?

  • Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
  • Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  • No animal shall wear clothes.
  • No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  • No animal shall drink alcohol.
  • No animal shall kill any other animal.
  • All animals are equal.

Which two animals avoid doing work?

Mollie and the cat. 


How are the heroes from the battle honored?

They bury the dead sheep and award him the newly created honor, Animal Hero, Second Class. Boxer and Snowball receive Animal Hero, First Class for their bravery in the event,


After the disappearance of Snowball, what change does Boxer make?

He begins saying: Napoleon is always right. 


How does Napoleon explain the storm that knocks down the windmill?

He says the traitor Snowball knocked down the windmill.


How does blaming the windmill collapse on Snowball benefit Napoleon?

He can been presented as an external threat like Mr. Jones that the pigs can unite the other animals against to preserve their own power.