The owner of Manor Farm
Mr. Jones
An animal loves sugar
How many pups did Jesse and Brubel give birth to together
What color is the flag of the animal farm
Who made the plan to build a windmill house
How do Old Major address animals
Who spread the rumors about Sugarcandy Mountain
What must be the first item of the Sunday ceremony
raise a flag
Where did Mollie go after the Battle of the Cowshed?
Hiding in the stables of other animals
Where was the plan for building a windmill house formulated?
a shed
Who snored during the major's speech
Who first entered the Jones' residence after the animals drove them away (2 animals)
Napoleon and Snowball
Whose motto is' I need to work harder '
Which animal told about the animal farm uprising?
What is hidden in the straw in the horse pen?
A small pile of sugar and several bundles of cloth of different colors
What is the reason why animals live such a miserable life in the speeches of Old Major(one word)
These three pigs have summarized the teachings of the old major into one idea, what is it called?
Who raised objections when the Seven Commandments were simplified to 'four legs are good, two legs are bad'
Where did Jones stay after being kicked out of the farm
Taproom of the Red Lion
Where did the animals find Molly after she disappeared for a few days
public house
When voting on whether to classify mice as homosexuals, which animal voted for both opinions
After driving away the Jones couple, they went to the storage shed and sang 'Beasts of England several times
What is the flag of the Animal Republic made of
green tablecloth
When was the Battle of the Cowshed?
October 12th
Which animal has infiltrated the surrounding farms to teach Beasts of England