In The Beginning
In The Barn
The Commandments
Animals Farm
The Dead End

 Name of the farm where the story takes place

What is Manor Farm


The Battle of the Cowshed.

What is the name of the battle in which the animals successfully defend the farm against Mr. Jones and his men?


Who is responsible for altering the Seven Commandments throughout the story?

Who are "The Pigs"


The new name given to the farm under Napoleon's rule?

What is Manor Farm


How does Boxer, the loyal and hardworking cart-horse, meet his end?

Boxer collapses while working on the windmill and is sent to the glue factory by the pigs, who exploit his dedication for their own gain.


Owner of Manor Farm at the beginning of the story?

Who is Mr. Jones


What slogan does Snowball coin to represent the animals' efforts towards the windmill project?

What is "I work harder".


This commandment is altered first, and what change is made to it?

The fourth commandment, "No animal shall sleep in a bed," is altered to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets."


Which animal stands up to Napoleon's dictatorship and tries to maintain the original principles of Animalism?

Benjamin, the donkey, who is cynical and skeptical about the pigs' leadership but ultimately does nothing to stop their tyranny.


This animal is the first to die as a result of the rebellion, symbolizing the sacrifices made for the cause of freedom?

Old Major, the prize boar, dies shortly after delivering his speech and inspiring the animals to rebel against Mr. Jones.


What event occurs at the beginning of the story that leads to the animals' rebellion?

Old Major, the prize boar, gathers the animals to discuss his vision of a rebellion against human oppression.


Blamed for the destruction of the windmill during the storm?

Who is Snowball


What is the irony in the alterations made to the Seven Commandments?

The alterations often contradict the original principles of Animalism, revealing the pigs' hypocrisy and their gradual adoption of human-like behaviors and privileges.


This animal serves as the messenger and propagandist for Napoleon, spreading lies and justifying the pigs' actions to the other animals?

Who is Squealer the Pig.


This happens to the sheep that bleat "Four legs good, two legs better!" during the final chapter?

The sheep are slaughtered by the pigs after they begin to openly express dissent against Napoleon's leadership.


How do the animals react to Old Major's speech?

The animals are deeply inspired by Old Major's speech and enthusiastically embrace his vision of a future without human oppression.


This commandment is altered to justify the pigs' behavior regarding alcohol consumption?

What is "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess."


What is the overall message or moral of "Animal Farm," as conveyed by its ending?

The ending of "Animal Farm" serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power, corruption, and the manipulation of ideology. It warns against the abuse of authority and the betrayal of principles in pursuit of selfish interests.


Which animal is known for his strength, dedication to work, and motto "I will work harder"?

Boxer, the cart-horse.


This animal is tragically killed during the Battle of the Windmill, symbolizing the senseless loss of life in war?

Who is Snowball, the pig.  It is fatally wounded in the battle, despite having been driven off the farm earlier in the story


"No animal shall wear clothes"

What is one of the Seven Commandments of Animalism


The name of the human neighbor who supplies Napoleon with whiskey?

Who is Mr. Whymper.


How does the final scene of the novel, in which the pigs and humans are indistinguishable, reflect the themes of power and corruption?

 The final scene illustrates how the pigs have become indistinguishable from the humans they once rebelled against, symbolizing the corruption and betrayal of the animals' original ideals of equality and freedom.


Who is the oldest and most respected animal on the farm, whose dream inspires the rebellion against humans?

Old Major, the prize boar.


This tragic fate befalls the animals that are suspected of conspiring with Snowball against Napoleon?

The animals accused of treason are brutally executed by Napoleon's dogs,