Name that Character!
Vocab. Time!
You get the gist?
Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 & 4
This character represents the elite in Russian society, as she is fond of worldly possessions that align her with man.
What is Mollie

This word describes an appeal to emotions.

What is pathos

This chapter's gist was that the animals believe man to be the root of all of their lives' problems.
What is Chapter 1.
Man is the only enemy to animals --at least that's what the animals think after hearing Old Major's speech. The danger of this type of thinking is __________.
What is that animals will still have problems amongst themselves after Mr. Jones is gone. Absence of man does not equal absence of problems. They aren't thinking things through and are holding on to just one idea.
People who can't process complex thoughts and just blindly follow what the government tells them without a thought or question are represented in the book by the _______.
What is the sheep.
This character provided the animals with the idea of a Utopian society after dreaming of his imminent death.
What is Old Major

This word describes the appeal to logic.

What is logos

The gist of this chapter is that the hierarchy amongst the animals is becoming more apparent, as Snowball is making committees and Napoleon is starting to raise his own group of dogs. They even made a flag to represent Animal Farm.
What is Chapter 3.

BONUS: An allegory is __________. Animal Farm is an allegory of the ___________.

What is A story that contains characters or events that represent or symbolize ideas and concepts; The Russian Revolution.

This pig thinks it is important for the animals to learn to read and write.
What is Snowball.
This character's motto is "I will work harder," which makes sense, since he represents the working class in Russian society.
What is Boxer.

This word describes an appeal to ethics using credibility.

What is ethos.

The gist of this chapter is that the animals carried out their plan of rebellion after Old Major's death, and now, they have control of the farm.
What is Chapter 2.
Old Major teaches the animals this song that depicts a utopian society while uniting the animals towards one goal.
What is "Beasts of England"
This pig is primarily concerned with gaining and maintaining power on the farm. He even raises dogs to help him carry out his plans.
What is Napoleon.
This character is more of a "logical ideas" person, as his goal for Animal Farm is to improve its infrastructure and make a windmill.
What is Snowball.

This word describes the usage of ethos, pathos, and logos.

What is rhetorical appeal.


DOUBLE POINTS: Absolute monarchy is ________________.

What is a government that assumes total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever necessary.

This pig is a mouthpiece for all ideas and is responsible for keeping the animals believing in everything that goes on on the farm.
What is Squealer.
In Chapter 4, the pigeons' role was to __________. This is representative of the spread of __________ in history.
What is spread the word about Animal Farm to other farms. The spread of communism.
This character is a raven who represents the Russian Orthodox church. He provides the animals with a different type of Utopian society -one you reach when you die.
What is Moses.

This word means an enclosure used for pasturing/exercising animals.

What is paddock.


The gist of this chapter involves the fact that news of Animal Farm is spreading and Mr. Jones and his men are organizing a plan of attack on the animals. However, the animals find out and plan a defense.

What is Chapter 4.

The power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin is represented in Animal Farm between _______ and ______.
What is Snowball and Napoleon.
Name one animal that gets a medal that says "Animal Hero, First Class" after the animals ambush Jones's men in Chapter 4. Bonus if you can name both!
What is Boxer and Snowball.