Who gives a speech to the animals?
Old Major
DOUBLE JEOPARDY Who are the smartest animals on the farm AND what are the names of the 2 leaders who belong to this species.
The pigs; Snowball and Napoleon
Snowball wants to build this on a hill
Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literally
What is the name of the song about an animal utopia that Old Major teaches the animals?
"Beasts of England"
"I will work harder"
What do the animals do every Sunday morning?
Raise a flag and hold a meeting to vote on resolutions
Despicable; causing hatred
An imitation of the style of a writer, artist, or genre using deliberate exaggeration for a comedic effect
"Good" and "bad" according to Old Major -- a maxim that becomes a favorite of the sheep
What does Mollie want to do?
Wear ribbons and look at herself in the mirror
The name of the battle between the animals and Mr. Jones
Battle of the cowshed
Distrusting; pessimistic
Two ideas, people, concepts, etc. placed close together with contrasting effect
This is the name of the place Moses the raven says animals go when they die
Sugarcandy Mountain
What do Mr. Pilkington and Mr. Frederick do to try to prevent animal rebellion on their own farm?
Spread propaganda rumors about Animal Farm
This species represents the KGB or secret police
In opposition to a majority or official opinion
Word Choice
This event precipitates the animals rebellion
Mr. Jones forgets to feed the animals
The name of Mr. Pilkington's farm
The name of the "propaganda" pig
Elegant; fluent; communicative
An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal meaning