Bird idioms
Horse idioms
Black and white and animal idioms
random ones

An early bird 

a) someone who earns a lot of money

b) someone who gets up early

c) someone who arrives to appointments early

b) someone who gets up early


hold your horses

a) look after your horses

b) be patient 

c) take care of your possessions 

b) be patient 


a white elephant 

a) something that is a waste of money because it is useless

b) something unusual 

c) something very rare and hard to find

a) something that is a waste of money because it is useless


if you describe someone as a minnow you are calling them

a) small and unimportant 

b) annoying

c) hard to find

a) small and unimportant


if you have butterflies in your stomach you are 

a) nervous or anxious

b) excited 

c) sick or ill

a) nervous or anxious


Swan around

a) swim very elegantly 

b) dance very beautifully 

c) go and have fun, rather than working or taking care of their responsibilities  

c) go and have fun, rather than working or taking care of their responsibilities  


to eat like a horse 

a) to be a vegetarian 

b) to eat a lot of food 

c) to eat slowly

b) to eat a lot of food


a black sheep is

a) different from other people

b) very independently - minded

c) very brave 

a) different from other people


if someone is having a whale of a time they are 

a) being loud

b) being annoying

c) having fun

c) having fun


to be a chicken 

a) to be cowardly or scared to take risks

b) to be loud 

c) to be silly 

a) to be cowardly or scared to take risks


spring chicken 

a) young person

b) a delicious roast chicken

c) a person born in spring

a) a young person


horsing around 

a) to be silly or foolish often with friends

b) to be lazy and disorganized

c) to run around fields 

a) to be silly or foolish often with friends


a white lie is

a) a lie that is easy to make 

b) a harmless lie that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings 

c) a repeated lie 

b) a harmless lie that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings


what is a red herring ?

a) something that is misleading or distracting

b) something interesting

c) something colourful

a)something that is misleading or distracting


ants in your pants

a) to be itchy

b) to be angry

c) to be unable to sit still 

c)  to be unable to sit still


pecking order

a) your age compared to your siblings 

b) the order in which you are served food

c) an informal and often unspoked hierarchal system where some people know they are more or less important than others.

c)  an informal and often unspoked hierarchal system where some people know they are more or less important than others.

a dark horse

a)  a bad person

b) a loner

c) an unexpected winner

c) an unexpected winner


if someone is as white as a sheet

a) they are very pale

b) easy to understand 

c) dishonest

a) very pale


if you rise to the bait you

a) react badly when someone provokes you

b) get trapped in a situation

c) get annoyed easily

a) react badly when someone provokes you


a fish out of water 

to feel uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation or environment. 


to take someone under one's wing 

a) to look after someone 

b) to give someone a hug

c) to teach someone how to fly

a) to look after someone


a one - horse race 

a) a race where there is a clear winner

b) a race where all of the horses are very fast

c) an unfair race 

a) a race where there is a clear winner


a white collar worker works

a) in a factory

b) in an office

c) on a farm

b) in an office


if someone is a big fish they are

a) boring

b) an important person

c) a large person

b) an important person


a wolf in sheep's clothing

to be deceptive or to appear harmless while having sinister intentions.