Animals with these body parts are called vertebrates.
What is a backbone. Every animal with a backbone is called a vertebrate. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are vertebrates.
What body parts help birds to fly?
What are wings. All birds have two wings.
Alligators, turtles, and snakes are all members of this animal group...
What is Reptiles. Alligators, turtles, snakes, and lizards are reptiles.
These help fish breathe underwater.
What are gills. Humans breathe with lungs. Fish breathe with gills underwater.
Creatures in this use webs to catch their prey.
What are spiders. Spiders make sticky webs out of silk and use them to catch prey.
How a mammal's babies are born.
What is they are born alive. Mammals do not lay eggs. They have live babies.
Bird babies are born out of these.
What are eggs. Birds are not born alive like mammals. They lay eggs.
This animal first breathes with gills, and then breathes with lungs. It also breathes with its skin.
What is an amphibian. Amphibians can use both gills and lungs to breathe. Their moist skin also helps them breathe.
These two body parts help a fish swim through the water.
What are fins and a tail. Fish use their fins and tail to steer and propel them as they swim.
Animals in this group have 6 legs.
What are insects.
This is what mammal babies drink from their mothers.
What is milk. Mammal babies need to drink their mothers' milk to survive.
If fur covers mammals, this is what covers birds...
What are feathers. All birds have feathers covering their bodies. This helps keep them warm because they are cold-blooded.
Reptiles have this type of skin.
What is rough, dry, and scaly. Reptiles are covered in scales that make them feel rough.
These cover a fish's body and help protect it from predators.
What are scales. Scales are hard, round pieces attached to a fish's skin.
A spider has this many legs...
What is 8. Spiders have 8 legs and 8 eyes.
Their body temperature stays the same, even when the surroundings change.
What is warm-blooded. All mammals are warm-blooded. Our bodies are always the same temperature, unless we have a fever!
Birds use these to eat. They come in many shapes, sizes, and colors.
What are beaks. Each bird has a different beak. Beaks help birds to find food and eat it.
I lay eggs that have a tough, leathery shell. What type of animal am I?
What is a reptile. Unlike birds, reptiles lay eggs that are not easy to break.
If a fish lives in warm water, its body temperature is warm. If a fish lives in cold water, its temperature is cold. Why does this happen?
Fish are cold-blooded. Their bodies become the same temperature as their surroundings.
These body parts help an insect feel around its habitat.
What are antennae. Most insects have antennae on their heads. They use them to feel, taste, and understand what is happening around them.
Name three mammals.
What is ... any animal with fur or hair, warm-blooded, and has live babies is a mammal.
Most, but not all birds can do this. One species that CANNOT is a penguin.
What is fly. Some birds, like ostriches and penguins, cannot fly.
I might look like a lizard, but I am really an AMPHIBIAN...what am I?
What is a salamander. Salamanders look like lizards, but they have moist skin without scales.
This is one type of fish that does NOT hatch from an egg.
What is sharks and guppies. Almost all fish hatch from eggs. Sharks and guppies are 2 species that have live babies.
This part of an insect is a hard, outer shell that helps protect it from predators.
What is an exoskeleton. An insect has an exoskeleton that protects its three body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.