Invertebrates a part of this phyla have soft fleshy bodies that are often covered by hard shells. Some members are considered to be the most intelligent invertebrates on the planet.
Invertebrates a part of this phyla have segmented bodies, paired jointed appendages, and exoskeletons.
This group of vertebrates are the simplest and largest group of vertebrates on the planet.
This group of vertebrates lay eggs, have nearly hollow bones, and posses four-chambered hearts.
Invertebrates are animals __________ a backbone and make up about _____% of the animal kingdom.
without, 95%
Invertebrates a part of this phyla are either medusae or polyps and posses stingers that inject venom paralyzing their prey
This is the most successful animal group in terms of survival and reproduction.
This group of vertebrates have thick skin covered in scales, kidneys, lay eggs on land, and most abandon their young.
This group of vertebrates have skin covered with fur or hair, and a four-chambered heart. They also feed their young with milk.
What are the 5 characteristics most animals share?
multicellular eukaryotes, heterotrophs, reproduce, move freely, have symmetry
Name two invertebrates with bilateral symmetry
crayfish, arthropods
Invertebrates a part of this phyla are unable to move but are still considered animals because they are heterotrophs.
This group of vertebrates spend their early life in water and their adult life on land. They will return to water to lay eggs and reproduce.
This type of mammal develops inside its mother's body until its body systems can function independently.
What are the 6 invertebrate phyla?
Mollusks, Echinoderms, Cnidarians, Arthropods, Worms, Porifera
What type of symmetries do mollusks, cnidarians, & worms have?
Cnidarians: radial
Worms: bilateral
What type of symmetries do arthropods, echinoderms, & porifera have?
Arthropods: bilateral
Echinoderms: radial
Porifera: asymmetric
What are the three main groups of fish?
Jawless, Cartilaginous, & Bony
This type of mammal lays eggs.
Define endotherm & ectotherm and give an example of each.
Endotherm: an animal that controls the internal heat it produces and regulates its own temperature.
Ectotherm: an animal that produces little internal body heat
Give an example of the phylas mollusk, cnidarian, & worms
octopus, jellyfish, earthworm
Give an example of arthropods, echinoderms, & porifera.
spider, sea star, sea sponge
What is the difference between reptiles and amphibians?
Reptiles lay their eggs in the sand and amphibians lay their eggs in water
Define herbivores, carnivores, & omnivores and give an example of each
Herbivores: only eat plants
Carnivores: only eat meat
Omnivores: eat both plants and meat
How are the structures of animals related to their symmetry?
Animals without symmetry are organized simply, with some specialized cells but no tissues. Animals with radial symmetry have complex body plans with tissues and usually organ systems. Animals with bilateral symmetry have organ systems and helps them hunt.