What is the difference between warm-blooded and cold-blooded?
Warm-blooded: can regulate body temp
Cold-blooded: cannot regulate body temp. It depends on their environment
These animals are cold-blooded, have dry, scaly skin and breathe air through lungs..
What are they?
Which one of these is NOT a vertebrate?
Reptiles, Amphibians, Insects, Fish
Insects - they are invertebrates
True or False: A dolphin can drown in the ocean
A hard covering on invertebrates used to maintain their shape and protect their organs is called
an exoskeleton
Which vertebrate group has both gills and lungs?
_________ are holes or tunnels dug by an animal
Which animal is a mammal?
Turtle, Snake, Pelican, Bear
(turtle-reptile, snake-reptile, pelican-bird)
True or False: All mammals have hair or fur
All insects have __ legs
All spiders have __ legs
insects- 6
spiders- 8
What is molting? Give an example of an animal that molts.
Molting = shedding old skin/ body coverings
Examples: crabs, lobsters, insects, etc.
What is the purpose/function of color on a peacock?
Protection, energy replacement, reproduction
Reproduction (helps attract a mate)
What covering does an amphibian have?
Smooth skin
True or False: All birds can fly
What is an invention that is similar to a lobster claw?
Answers will vary.
A tarantula has spinnerets..
What are spinnerets?
Body part that a spider uses to produce silk
Tarantulas use their silk to make egg cases for lining their nests and their underground burrows
Which of the following is an example of a behavioral adaptation?
C. A robin builds a nest out of sticks and dry grass
Which is a reptile?
Frog, Toad, Lizard, Salamander
(Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians)
True or False: A dolphin is classified as a fish
False, a dolphin is classified as a mammal
What percent of animals are invertebrates?
A. 85%
B. 90%
C. 95%
D. 80%
B. 90%
What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?
Hibernation: passing the winter months in a sleep-like state
Estivation: passing the summer months in a sleep-like state
What part of the brain is colored orange in the picture? It is referred to as the "mini-brain"
A. Cerebrum
B. Brain Stem
C. Cerebellum
D. Spinal Cord
C. Cerebellum
Is a bat a bird or a mammal? Explain.
A bat is a mammal.
All birds lay eggs, have a beak/bill, and have feathers. A bat does not.
True or False: Adult frogs obtain oxygen through their gills
False, adult frogs obtain oxygen through their lungs
Which invertebrate does not have a brain?
A. Jellyfish
B. Octopus
C. Squid
D. Eel
A. Jellyfish