Oink oink
El cerdo
La cola
El Rio
Run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run
Correr/To run
Wolverine has _____.
Las garras/Claws
George, George, George of the ______
La selva/Jungle
To swim
Black and white horse.
La Abeja/Bee
They help you fly.
Las alas/Wings
El oceano/The ocean
Go JUMP in a lake.
Saltar/To jump
Coca ____
La cola/Tail
You have the memory of an ________
El Elefante/ Elephant
Aye aye Captain! I can't HEAR you! Aye aye Captain!!!
La oreja/Ear
En la ______ __ __ tio. ( only place, no fillers required )
La Granja/Farm
Sorber ( I don't expect you to know this. )
To slurp
Come un gallina.
S/he eats a chicken.
I fly, like a _________, and sting like a bee!
La mariposa/Butterfly
My stomach hurts...
El estomago/Stomach
3l b0$qu3
El bosque/The forest
Es mas lento que correr
Caminar/To walk
Cuantos dedos tiene un oso.
How many toes does a bear have? Answer: 5 toes.