Popular Animals
Animal Groups

Non-human species used in research to mimic aspects of a disease, disorder, or other reaction found in humans.

What is an animal model


Popular animal model due its small size, calm nature, low cost to house, and ease of genetic manipulation.

What is the domestic mouse?


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) regulates the use of research animal models under this act.

What is the Animal Welfare Act?


The Animal Welfare Act is designed to regulate the use of only this group of animal models in research, teaching, and testing.

What are warm-blooded vertebrates?


Rabbits were used to test this human condition until replaced by a series of chemical reactions.

What is a pregnancy test?


By requiring the number of animals used for research to be justified, fewer are used which is following this R of the 3 R's model.

What is reduce?


The second most widely used animal research model has many of the attributes of mice, but their larger size and more complex body systems makes them useful for research.

What is the Norway rat?


Some researchers develop their own lines of research animals, often mice and rats through this animal husbandry process.

What is in-house breeding?


This group of animals is regulated only when used for research, not when produced for slaughter or when part of a nutrition, breeding, management, or production efficiency study

What are livestock (or farm animals)


Tissue transplanted from pigs to humans that is one of the most common types of xenotransplantation.

What are heart valves?


Over time many animal procedures were eliminated with a shift to other research strategies in accordance with this R of the 3 R's model

What is replace?


The most common fish used as animal models.

What are zebrafish?


This class of animal dealer is licensed by the USDA to breed, raise, and sell animals specifically for research, similar to in-house breeders.

What is a Class A dealer?


These two types of rodents make up 95% of all vertebrate animals used in research.

What are laboratory rats and mice?


This latin phrase refers to the testing in the body of a living animal.

What is "in vivo"?


This R, of the 3 R's model, requires more background work and computer modeling to reduce likely variables that may complicate research in animals.

What is refine?


This fly and this little known multi-celled "worm" are the two most common insects (yes, insects) used as animal models.

What are the fruit fly and nematode?


This class of animal dealer is licensed by the USDA does not raise their own animals, but acquires them from many different sources.

What is a Class B dealer?


These two species of rodents were among the first animals used in medical research.

What are guinea pigs and rabbits?


Researchers have used this eye irritancy tests on rabbits since the 1940'S.

What is the Draize test?


Scientists rely on these two types of interactions before moving to research on animal models.

What are biochemical and cellular interactions?


The most common single-celled organism used as animal models.

What is saccharomycetales yeast?


Registered research institutions must submit an annual report to this agency regarding their use of animal models.

What is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)?


In recent decades, the use of these two domestic animals has decreased due to public pressure.

What are dogs and cats?


Use of non-human primates is critical to understanding how to prevent and treat these three infectious diseases.

What is/are Zika, COVID, and Ebola?