What animal runs the fastest?
A Cheetah
Name one flightless bird?
What is a "baby" butterfly called?
a catipillar
What type of fish is Nemo?
A clown fish
what has whiskers and a tail?
What animal is the tallest in the world?
A Giraffe
What is the color of a baby flamingo?
*hint- it is not pink!
Why do snakes stick out their tongues?
To smell the air
How many legs does an octopus have?
8 legs
What kind of animal is a German Shepard?
A Dog.
How many humps does a camel typically have?
2 humps
What bird has a brain smaller than its eyes?
A Ostrich
A scorpion has 5 PAIRS of eyes.
How many eyes do three scorpions have in total?
30 eyes
What is the biggest shark called?
A whale shark
What is known as mans bestfriend?
A Dog
What is the only animal that cannot jump?
What bird is a symbol of peace?
A dove
Which insect can lift up to 50 times its body weight?
A Ant
What is a group of fish called?
A school of fish
True or False
Chocolate is poisonous for cats and dogs?
What is the only animal that CAN fly?
A bat
What bird can fly backwards?
A Hummingbird
What animal never sleeps?
What is known as the largest animal in the world?
Blue Whale
How many toes does a cat have on its front paws?