This animal has one or two humps and lives in desert areas.
These scaley animals can't stick out their tongues
What kind of animal loses its tail when its in danger?
A gecko or a lizard
What kind of beetle has a red shell with black spots?
A ladybug
This condiment was once sold as medicine
Hint: It's good in a burger
This African animal has black and white stripes.
Name 2 superheroes that have an animal in their name
Batman, Spiderman, Antman, Wolverine
This animal can unhinge it's jaw to swallow it's meals whole
A snake
These bugs find sugar with their feet and their feet are 10 million times more sensitive than human tounges
This frog has a distinct call and is native to Puerto Rico
the coqui
This type of beetle has a long pointed horn and is compared to another animal with a big horn
It has the strongest punch in the animal kingdom
What do you call a baby owl?
This worm was hunted for years because it can be used to make expensive clothing
Silk worm
These innocent-looking animals feed on dead animals, rotten fruit, and animal feces
One of the rarest butterflies in the world, The Schaus's Swallowtail, live in this state
This ant has one of the most painful stings in the world
Bullet ant
Name some mammals that cannot jump
Elephant, sloth, hippo, & rhino, whale, dolphin, manatee.
These bugs can give you Lyme disease and can grow from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a marble
What animal starts off as a tadpole?
A frog.
These winged creatures have bright orange and black wings
Monarch butterflies
What is the fastest land animal?
The Cheetah
This animal's hair is naturally fire repellant
A horse.
These tarantulas are native to Australia, have a body of 5 inches wide, and are called "Goliath _____ eating spiders"
What do they eat?
How long does a female penguin leave her baby to get nutrition?
2 months